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Is this scary or what?
well I hear, feel and also see things… I see a little girl and a man that wears all black and his hands are cover and including his face with a black mask… it look soo scary… I nights I sometimes feel thing like someone grabing my legs or something. and I hear a lot of things like the girl I see is talking to me she say a lot of bad thing that I wont repeat! I am soposed to take meds for moods or something but I dont take it because I feel like I dont need it… I dont know what to do… its been going on for a while and I keep this almost all to myself!!! what do you think I sould do???
r you 4reals??? wow thas scary… what do they say???
l think its really scary I hope you feel better some times in have weird feelin bout that kind of stuff to but them nothin happens
I feel the same things. One time me and my dads friends were all camping and I was sleeping on top bunk because it was like a school bus but made into a camper thingy and when every1 was sleeping, it looked like there eyes were popped out. they were all just looking at me. I was so freaked out. ever since then, I can hardly sleep in the dark, if I do sleep in the dark, it feels like something is on the ceiling above me and just looking down at me, and I have this weird feeling something is going 2 grab me. It happens at friends houses I sleep at 2. its scary. im glad im not the only person who is like me. thank god.
is your house haunted? does this only happen in one location? you need to clean your house of spirits..and if that dont work, you need to take your meds..I believe in paranormal, sometimes you gotta just tell them to get out leave you alone, that they are not welcome get out! be firm about it! good luck
no it only happenes to me… my house is just normal I know nothing bad happen in that house and it dont only happening in my house!! I see them other places to but pretend that everythings is ok!
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