Is this a 'rush to judgment'?

Rep. Jack Murtha accused Marines in Iraq of atrocities and war crimes at Haditha. (The case is ongoing, but it’s noteworthy that several of the accused have already been exonerated.) - even before the advance of hard evidence or convictions - Why do you think he would do this - is it ‘rush to judgement’ or was he somehow justified ?

Answer #1

Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum has been exonerated, becoming the fifth Marine out of the eight originally implicated to be cleared - no apology offered.

Answer #2

We live in a sad day and time when anyone, not just our Leaders, consider themselves ‘too big’ to apologize when they’re wrong.

Answer #3


It probably is a rush to judgment. But not something that I don’t understand, given what happened at abu ghraib.

The things our troops did to them is despicable.

Answer #4

6/17/08: LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A military judge on Tuesday dismissed the case against the highest-ranking U.S. Marine charged in the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians at Haditha, whittling down the list of those who must still face justice for the 2005 killings to just the accused ringleader. Military Judge Col. Steven Folsom dropped all charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, who was accused of violating a lawful order and dereliction of duty, at a hearing at the Camp Pendleton Marine base in Southern California. Folsom’s decision means that, out of eight Marines originally charged in the events at Haditha, six won dismissals of their charges and one has been cleared at court martial.

Answer #5

3/31/08: After years of litigation and estimated $40 million in taxpayer funds expended, none of the Marines have been found guilty of committing murder or war crimes.

Answer #6

Update 10/4/07

SAN DIEGO — An investigating officer has recommended that the Marine at the center of the biggest prosecution of U.S. troops in the Iraq war should not stand trial on murder charges, a defense attorney said Thursday. Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, 27, of Meriden, Conn., is charged with the unpremeditated murder of 17 Iraqis in Haditha in 2005. The former squad leader allegedly directed his Marines in an assault that left 24 men, women and children dead.

Answer #7

6/5/08: A court martial on Wednesday acquitted a US Marine for his role in the deaths of 24 civilians in Haditha in Iraq in 2005, the sixth man to be exonerated in the affair, a military official said. Lieutenant Andrew Grayson, 27, was declared “not guilty on all charges” by a jury - no apology offered.

Answer #8

Still don’t understand why American’s aren’t outraged:

But on 17 May 2006 John Murtha went on national television and boldly stated that eight of our Marines in Iraq “…killed innocent civilians in cold blood.”

John Murtha rushed in front of the cameras before ANY evidence had been presented.

Taking it a step further, John Murtha even insisted that anyone who said differently, up to and including General Peter Pace, was a liar.

From that moment, the liberal media fell in love with John Murtha. Now they run to him and eagerly repeat his defeatist message in their newspapers and on their 24-hour cable news channels.

But facts are stubborn things.

Seven of the eight Marines he accused of murder have been cleared of all charges.

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