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Is the CSA flag Heritage or hate?
well pretty self explanitory but it seems no matter what confederates say people wont accept the idea they aint haters. Remeber just because some one flys a flag doesnt mean that person represents that group. For example kkk flying the confederate flag this is comon knowledge and can be found on the enternet if you wish to learn more. The kkk racism has done more harm then the northern invasion could ever do to the south. Sadly do to these racist the south is divided instead of united with whites and blacks having a bad remmberance of the way kkk members used the CSA flag. Ignorance is the best ally and its close friend misunderstanding.
Confederates like the confederate national party are representing the real confederacy anyway that was a lot of my opinion im hoping you see this is leading up to the question the main questions I have are these
Why do people constantly talk about 1864 confederates when they should be talking about todays confederates and their views?
Why do people refuse to accept the CSA flag as a symbol of heritage not hate? If flags can only be remmebered by the evils of a nation would the usa flag be one of those flags too?
The point is the usa shouldnt be expected to get rid of its flag because of its evils neither should tthe csa flag be tooken away from the southern people.
The last question what in your opinion do confederates have to do to convince people they are not racist?
I was born in the South… from southern stock… on both sides going back to colonization. My antecedents were rednecks[according to the original intent of the name] as well as indentured servants with the odd cavalier thrown in for good measure. I have many that fought under the confederate battle flag.
Slaveholding is an abomination. Those ancestors that practiced were wrong. Those that fought for that sole purpose were wrong. The sins of my fathers can die with them… and I wont decry them wholeheartedly…
Were the anti-federalists wrong?… not in my opinion. Were the anti-federalists evil?… not in my opinion. Some were.
Let’s be fair… Slaves found themselves under numerous flags… not just the varying confederate flags. The slave trade made many traders along the coast very wealthy… the majority north of the mason-dixon. Northern industrialists found it lucrative until trade between the agrarian south and England threatened their hegemony. There is plenty of blame to go around.
The bigger question is the symbol of the flag… so dump it. My family fought under it… died for it… have it engraved on their tombstones… but it was a rallying symbol. If the icon takes the place of the idea it has done it’s job… unfortunately at the expense of the individual. What is it worth?
Dump all flags.
Dump all colors.
Dump collective thought.
Dump the hive mentality.
Never generalize and never allow a symbol to take the place of thought. I am not suggesting you reject the principles of those that fought a meaningful fight.
The unfortunate consequence of the immoral practice of slaveholding… besides the obvious inhumanity… is the stain that has obfuscated the anti-federalists principles intending to embolden the middle class of the country. If displaying a tarnished flag hampers the furtherance of these principles… it is working against itself. As “Colors” are wont to do.
miscegenymiser, that was an excellent post. While I am not an anti-federalist, I appreciate your very rational and eloqent discourse.
When something becomes a symbol of hate, it will retain that imagery for a long, long time. The KKK perverted the Confederate flag, and so it may always be a symbol of that hatred and perversion. As will the Nazis use of the swastika, a symbol that was around for millennia before they perverted it.
I live in the south and have lived in the deep south, was born in the south. Only rednecks fly that flag. The war between the north and south is over. There is no confederate south. Get with the program.
They guy who wrote the first article was 95% percent biest bull crap. Hate,racist? Everyone in the world was a slave nation of all different races and the CSA is taking full blame? What the hell! The war of Yankee Aggression was fought over state rights. IF the north all voted for something and the south all voted for something else the north would always win.fair? No. We wanted to go west the north said no, you can’t as if they could tell us what to do. The only reason slaves were brought in to it was to destroy the south’s economy (which was booming) So you northerner’s can pick up a book and read about it ,instead of being told wrong. And if I want to fly a flag with the CSA symbol and a black boy yells at me I’ll just tell him if it was not for the flag all your black friends and yourself would be in Africa eating mud off of a stick. The flag stands for the Rights not black but white yes. The fact that just because your rich you can not tell us what to do and treat us like shit. And if you do it long enough were going to kill 300,000 of your men. So when your telling people wrongly about the rebel flag being racist and evil your spitting on the face of thousands of 17 year old CSA troops who died so they could be free from Yankee rule.
Because calling the confederate flag a symbol of southern heritage is like saying the swasitika is a symbol of German heritage. It is not like the confederate flag existed as a symbol of southern heritage before the civil war. It was created as a rallying symbol for an army fighting to continue its practice of brutalizing and enslaving millions of people. Celebrating that kind of heritage might be desirable for a few, but to most normal thinking people, it is a symbol of hatred and intolerance. You have every right to fly it all you want, but don’t be surprised when people think you are anything but an ignorant racist for doing so.
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