Is the bible evil?

It always amazes me how many times this God orders the killing of innocent people even after the Ten Commandments said “Thou shall not kill”. For example, God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people (1 Chronicles 21). God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3). He orders another attack and the killing of “all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses” (Joshua 6). In Judges 21, He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife! Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing somebody! In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.

The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).  

I mean, this all comes from the bible… pretty shocking isn’t it?

Answer #1

If I believed in good & evil then I would say yes.

Answer #2

UMMM… I have prayed before, to show himself… but… surprisingly… he never has!! Could only mean one thing…

Answer #3

Why? Why must I make this incredible leap of faith, that completely defies all logic and science? Does he not want us to question things? Does he not want us to be curious? Or does he just want us to believe blindly and don’t ask questions?

That is not blind belief. You can free to know as much as you know before you believe. But the problem you cannot see those things as evidence until you make the right choices about the truth. You have to first trust in Him (I.e. believe the fact that he exists). Then he you will be able see the evidences. Then you can analyze the evidences and still free to reject Him if you don’t feel the evidences are not good enough.

Skepticism will not lead you to God’s truth. Remember God is the one that makes the rules.

Answer #4

“That is not how it works. You first trust Him and then He gives you the evidence.”

Why? Why must I make this incredible leap of faith, that completely defies all logic and science? Does he not want us to question things? Does he not want us to be curious? Or does he just want us to believe blindly and don’t ask questions?

“If someone has lived their entire life without seeing any evidence the that only shows he was stubborn and wanted his way rather than the provision made by his maker. Such a person deserves hell. “

You mean people who aren’t gullible get to heaven, and people who are skeptical deserve hell.

I get it. Thats one helluva god you got there. Very loving and forgiving.

Answer #5

That is not trust. That is treachery. To let someone live their entire life never seeing one shred of evidence that he exists, and then at the end say, “hey, you didn’t believe in me, so you have to go to hell”. That sounds like one evil sob.

That is not how it works. You first trust Him and then He gives you the evidence. If someone has lived their entire life without seeing any evidence the that only shows he was stubborn and wanted his way rather than the provision made by his maker. Such a person deserves hell.

Answer #6

“Simple, He needs mutual trust. He is the boss so you need to show him that you trust in him. What you don’t understand is that He makes the rules.”

That is not trust. That is treachery. To let someone live their entire life never seeing one shred of evidence that he exists, and then at the end say, “hey, you didn’t believe in me, so you have to go to hell”. That sounds like one evil sob.

Answer #7

“and so many hardcore religiouse fanatics have started horrible and disgusting cults that make them kill themselves and other people all because they think thats what there god wants”

You will find a lot of the these cult “Leaders” have serious mental health problems. Jonestown massacres were not the orders of god but rather because he had his followers in the delussion that the outside world was evil and they would go to a better place. He ended up killing them all because he was a coward, NOT a godly man

“Personally, I like to refer to God/Heaven as Santa. If you’re good, you’ll get presents! If you’re good, you’ll go to heaven!”

Why do you think that anything we can do would make up for sinning?

“The Bible is the work of brutal primitive cultures. What else would you expect to come from them…”

people born 2000 years ago were primitive? Heh does this remind anyone of what hitler though? Hmm the jews may disagree with you on that one champ

“What we call the Bible is a composite of many different writings composed and collected and edited and revised over the centuries. It is anything BUT a coherent document.”

Only because you do not understand the context in which each book is written. Genesis - Poem… Gospels - Biography

Cmon people this is simple stuff, lets not make sweeping statements that you cannot take back or are ill educated…

Im not taking a shot, just asking you all to think before you type

Answer #8

Why would he need to test people that way? Are people who don’t beleive in anything supernatural in someway evil and deserve to be punished? Is your god really that vain?

Simple, He needs mutual trust. He is the boss so you need to show him that you trust in him. What you don’t understand is that He makes the rules.

Answer #9

“You asked Him to show himself and only then would you believe. He says believe and only would he show himself. So because you did not have it your way you decided… “

Why would he need to test people that way? Are people who don’t beleive in anything supernatural in someway evil and deserve to be punished? Is your god really that vain?

Answer #10

UMMM… I have prayed before, to show himself… but… surprisingly… he never has!! Could only mean one thing…

You asked Him to show himself and only then would you believe. He says believe and only would he show himself. So because you did not have it your way you decided…

Answer #11

Even most athiests believe that the ‘stories’ if you will, from the bible are true events.

…WHY would you assume that?

Answer #12

Hey Thenameisjess,

Eternallife has it all mixed up! Keep thinking… you’re doing grand!

Answer #13

anniv please explain

Answer #14

good answer jamesstuff but, as I stated before many times, God supposedly is perfect & made man perfect but if Adam & Eve were truly perfect they would of NOT made the mistake Also, god is all knowing, he makes us, knits us together in the womb, ect But why go through all that trouble if he knows the person he is making will not follow the path of riotousness?

Answer #15

If you would like to check on the ten commandments issue, check out Exodus 20:13 - “you Shall not murder”

I think we can all agree that killing is not always murder.

Answer #16

Again, when we quote the bible, please quote it correctly, “Thou shalt not MURDER”.

If it said ‘kill’ this would mean that we cannot kill anything or anyone, during war or sacrifice. Murder refers to the unwarrant taking of a human life. If you are making a point, you need to make it upon the correct premise, however this is a very good explaination for the faith mate.

Jimahl: Where do I even start with you? “Just a series of fables”? Man, you are obviously no historian. Do your checking before you start typing. I am a christian because I am a historian. I studied the biblical events from a secular point of view. Even most athiests believe that the ‘stories’ if you will, from the bible are true events.

Good time to ring the heracy bell?

Answer #17

What we call the Bible is a composite of many different writings composed and collected and edited and revised over the centuries. It is anything BUT a coherent document.

And the main dividing line goes between the books of the Old Testament, where the god there certainly seems to be jealous and revengeful at times (and the Jews emerge as a singularly bellicose people) and the New Testament, where the tone is completely different.

Perhaps this is most evident in the words of Jesus in John 13:34: ‘A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another’. This marks a clear break from much of the hatred and ferocity found in the Old Testament.

Answer #18

The bible is just a series of fables, much of it depicting evil deeds, some by god. Much evil has been done in the name of the bible, much more evil than good. But a book by itself can not be evil. Only people who use it to justify their cruelty and hatred are evil.

Like some people today who use it to justify their hatred of homosexuals.

Answer #19

First of all I would like to ask a question to all who has this opinion about the Bible and God. If I showed you that God and Bible is not evil, would you make that correcting in your mind? If you say no then please don’t read further because you are a person who don’t want the truth. All others who wants to know the truth please read on and know the truth.

First of all, the one mistake that people make when they read the Bible is to use their own dictionary. Let me explain. When one comes across the term ‘God’ he place his understanding if the term and then tries to understand the scripture. Rather we should understand what the Bible means by the word and apply that meaning.

The God of the Bible is

the creator of this universe. He is outside the universe I.e. the physical relm He is outside of time. He is the one who makes the rules

Now, when He gave man the 10 commandments, those were rules for man to follow in this physical world. How can we apply that law to GOD? The commandment itself says “THOU shalt not kill”.

The one who wrote posted this question has not done a proper study of the issues that he is pointing out. But by posting such a question he is misleading anyone who reads his question. Let me take Judges 21 as an example and show how poorly the questioner is informed.

Here is what happened. A levite and his concubine goes to stay in the land of Gibeah which was inhabited by people of the tribe of Benjamin. The people are so evil that they come to attack the levite and have sex with him but instead they end up raping and killing his concubine. This man is so upset and lets the people of all the other tribes of Israel know what has happened to him. This angers them and they make a vow to not give any of their daughters to the Benjamnites in marriage. They also demand the tribe to hand over the men who had done the sinful thing against the levite, to be punished. The Benjamnite do not comply and so they decide to attack them. They make two attempts to attack the Benjamites but the Benjamnites defeat them. In the process the Benjamnite end up killing 38000 Israelites. The Israelites pray to God and asks Him weather they should attack them one more time. The Lord allows this understandabily because of their sinful nature. The Israelites attack them once more and this time defeats them destroys all the city men, women and children. But some Benjaminites escape. Later the Israelites does not want a tribe to die out and so are wondering how to provide wives for the remaining Benjamites as they had made a vow not to give their daughters. (It must be understood here that the Israelites did not marry from other nations because they instructions from God against it). Now the Israelites came to know there was people of one of their land who did not gather with the Israelites when they were asked to join to gather to fight against the Benjaminites. They were the people of Jabesh. Since this was a major crime in their eyes they attacked all of the people of Jabesh and killed them and (NOTE THIS) took their virgins girls and gave them to the Benjaminites to be their wifes. Since some more girls were needed they as the Benjaminites to hide in the Vineyards and wait for the girls from Shiloh. When the girls came the Benjaminites were to take them by force for their wife. This way the Israelites would not brake their vow as they did not give their daughters to Benjamin but they were taken away by force.

Now that was the story. But thenameisjess makes mistake in many places in this account. First God did not tell the people to murder the Jabesh-gilead. They did it themselves. Next the girls of Jabesh-gilead were NOT raped but were given to Benjminites who took them to marry them. Neither was this ordered by God Again the girls of Shiloh were NOT raped but were taken by Benjaminites to marry. Jdg 21:23 The Benjaminites did this; each of them chose a wife from the young women who were dancing at Shiloh and carried her away. Then they went back to their own territory, rebuilt their towns, and lived there. Neither was that ordered by God.

There for thenameisjess has misrepresented the truth.

Please do not spread lies

May God Bless You

Answer #20

I think I may have been refering to a slightly seperate issue. The way I read it was that each book within the scriptures was not coherant. That is my fault for not reading it properly and I apologize.

However I would have to address another comment.

“This marks a clear break from much of the hatred and ferocity found in the Old Testament.”

This almost makes it sound like the god of the old testament is different from the god of the new. IS this the intention? I would say that the act of love, namely the death of christ is what marks the clear difference as opposed to the remark.


Answer #21

Um, the bible doesn’t say thou shalt not kill.

Correct reference would be “Thou shalt not MURDER”

Lets look at it from the beginning. Assuming god is real (I do) and assuming he created us all (I do) then he has some sort of authority over us, does he not? Look at it this way; you create a robot of some sort or another, it then turns around and completely ignores your every command, you have the right to do to it what you will.

So god creates us, he tells us we will have a good life if we obey one commandment “Do not eat from the tree of knowledge”. The fruit in itself is not evil, it is our disobedience of god that is the issue. So humans are kicked out of the garden and the workld decends into chaos from there.

Believe it or not (for the sake of argument just believe it) we should feel blessed he extends his loving embrace to some of us when NONE of us deserve life at all.

Now again, you can believe this or not but for the sake of the arguement, yes god is just and not evil

Answer #22

to jamesfff: The Bible is indeed a composite and not a coherent document. The context in which each book was written explains that particular book, but it does not make the Bible as such into a coherent product. That’s hardly a new idea or something I thought up. Recognition of that fact has been a basic premise of Biblical scholarship for many decades now.

There’s a good, Christian discussion of coherence and its relevance to understanding the teachings of the Bible at

Answer #23

I wonder what God thinks when humans that he created, puts him on trial?

Answer #24

The Bible is the work of brutal primitive cultures. What else would you expect to come from them…

Answer #25

The reason is becasue back then if you didn’t kill you were killed. It was about survival. God wanted his nation to survive just like any wise ruler would. But if you want an answer than pray to God and ask him to give you one. If you have a problem believing in him than pray and ask him to show himself to you and I PROMISE you he will.

Jesus said: “Whatsoever you ask, believeing, you’ll recieve”

Answer #26

I don’t think it’s evil - I do however think that people take it too literally and follow it blindly without even realizing what all it really says.

It’s just a story - and not even a good one at that. It’s full of false information (like the earth is only 10,000 years old), judgements (when they say not to judge others), and contradictions.

Answer #27

The Bible is the opposite of Evil - it is the Devil that seeks to destroy mankind, taking all he can with him into the Lake of Fire, as described in the book of Revelation - God is a Faithful and Just God - Simple: you either believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallable, word of God or you don’t - I do, you don’t - you’ve chosen to call God a liar and deny Him before men - you’re not the first to come along and mock, make fun of , belittle - they did that at the foot of the cross also - I hope and pray your life changes before it’s too late and your heart doesn’t wax cold - Jesus doesn’t force His saving grace on anyone, it’s up to the person to open up the door of their heart…but He only knocks so many times…Take care !!

Answer #28

Na. It’s just a bunch of B.S.

Lol. The people who wrote it weren’t very bright and they were probably just goverment people trying to make everyone behave how they want them to.

Personally, I like to refer to God/Heaven as Santa. If you’re good, you’ll get presents! If you’re good, you’ll go to heaven!

Same thing.

Answer #29

being aithiest my self (and I know I spelt it wrong) I know no view on “god” but if I had to say, I would say…YES OF COURSE HE IS EVIL, FORGET THE DEVIL, THIS GUY IS EVIL ON A BIT GREAT MOFOING SILVER PLATTER. so I hope that puts thing in perspective

Answer #30

Heyyy, pretty cool way of looking at it with the whole santa thing, awesome way of explaining ;)

Answer #31

the bible, yes god…yes god is hell bent on killing the people he suposedly created for “sinning” against him and so many hardcore religiouse fanatics have started horrible and disgusting cults that make them kill themselves and other people all because they think thats what there god wants

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