Is it ok to keep Reptiles?

Is it ok to keep Reptiles?

Answer #1

only if its not poisonouse you either have a license or can legally keep one without it have the money have the room have the right temperature and enviroment for it have a proper cage, tank, ect to keep it in feed it the right food know about the reptile your talking care of and have the responsibility and time to take care of it

Answer #2

sure it is, just make sure you know what you’re doing and you’re doing everything right, also have done all the research and it’s fine.

Answer #3

Reptiles aren’t affectionate like a dog or cat. They have special needs for living and eating. Its expensive and maintenance intenseive for a pet that could care less about you. I think reptiles are far more valuable in the wild than kept as pets.

Answer #4

I’ve owned snakes, iguanas, and bearded dragons. I loved all of my animals and they were great pets. They are not as affectionate as cats and dogs no, but they still know who their owner is and my iguana and bearded dragon would play with me and my fiance.

It can be kind of pricey to own them though. They need special living conditions, special food (most of the time live food), which means you would have to be buying live food regulary. Also the aquariums and things you need to set up the aquariums (heating lights, themometer, their surrounding) can be pretty expensive also.

Answer #5

Is it ok to keep Reptiles?

That depends on the reptile…

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