Is 18 too young?

Hi, Im 18 and want a baby. Is that to young?

Answer #1

yes i think it is! Get married be in a good steady relationship and a great job. Coz if the baby has no father… you have no husband… no money… no support from another… YOUR WORLD WILL COME CRASHING DOWN! settle in first… it is very young and a ‘mistake’ will just kill the child inside.

Answer #2

I think it is, but maybe if you can support it and be a good mother, you could have one. Just plan things out before you have one. It is a big decision.

Answer #3

You are probably too young. Do you have a job? Does he? Where are you going to live? Are you ready to give up partying, smoking, and drinking?

Answer #4

in my veiw yes… unless you can aford a baby and raise it till its your age i’d wai till you could.. remember a baby isn’t a toy it’s a little life form that cant help it’s self… it needs YOU

Answer #5

I am 18 to. I wont a baby to. I mean I’ve been working since I was 16 and I’ve known my boyfriend for bout 4 years and been dating about 2 months. I think if your ready really ready then no your not to young now i think 12-17 is to young but if your not really really really sure then wait cause I mean they cant defend its self it will need you! and your world will never be the same no late nights wilth your friends, sleep over nothing but you the baby and the daddy if he sticks around! so I mean you got to look and think about everything first!!!

Answer #6

I can’t say it’s too young b/c I know people that have babys at that age. Just think about the cost of a baby they are expensive. Also if your doing to try and make a relationship better its a bad idea babys usually make relationships fall apart…I’ve seen it happen. You have your whole life ahead of you. Do you want to go to college? Can you support a child financially and emotionally? Are you ready to pay bills and give up hanging out with friends? Just think about it really hard before you do it.

Answer #7

I agree with xxlovehurtsbabexx, you need to be able to support a baby- and that’s not just financially, that’s emotionally too. You’ve got to be prepared to put parties, friends, nights out, and lots of your wants aside for a child. My suggestion is to get a pet, like a cat. I got my cat last year when she was only a kitten, and they are not as much work as a baby, nor are they as expensive. But they are loving and affectionate, they don’t scream and cry, and you can go out for the day and not need a babysitter. Kittens may grow up to be cats, but they never stop being your baby. I know that I love my little fuzzball, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything.

Answer #8

IMHO, it’s not if you have a ring and a date.

Answer #9

if you write doddlebug09 back you will have to write to doddlegirl09 b/c i forgot my password and e-mail adress stupid me!

Answer #10

NO! My sister had a baby when she was 17 years old. Thats not too young. Yoo young would be 16 and under.

Answer #11

If you think your ready have one .. I am 16 and i am 36 weeks prago..=]]

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