What do you think about Irish people?

what do you think about irish people?

Answer #1

shame bout all the foreigners in ireland there everywhere.

Answer #2

top of the morning to ya…lol…im somewat irish…and I don’t know the ydcan be nice…most people of any foriegn type is and isnt always nice it depends

Answer #3

OMG I used to be scared of them but then I me my bestfriend and she was Irish some of them Irish boys are FINE

Answer #4

I think they are very nice :-) I once liked an irish guy..and he would rush to open the door for me..pull out my chair ect. I loved it

Answer #5

top of the morning to ya

Stereotype??…whatever!!! It’s an old saying…mainly used by older Irish people. I have been to Ireland and heard it said a few times, I’m originally from Wales.

And I have many Irish friends and many of them STILL say that!!!

Thats like saying it’s a stereotype to say Aussies say G’day mate.

Get a life

Answer #6

Only the leprechauns say ‘t.o.t.m.t.y!’ the rest of us just say ‘whats the craic?’

Answer #7

they’re cool considering im part irish lol

Answer #8

yep bein irish is cool

Answer #9

I really don’t know , but I am full blood irish

Answer #10

um absoutely amazingg! im irish so thats saying somethingg <3

Answer #11

My favorite singer is Irish. . . . But I still prefer the Scots. . .

Answer #12

I don’t know much Irish people but my boyfriend is Irish and obviously he’s awesome:)

Answer #13

preety funny!

Answer #14

well I am irish almost full so yay!!! grandpa came from ireland

Answer #15

Top of the morning to ya…Most Irish people are nice. No, I’m not Irish.

Answer #16

umm im irish. and its awesome.=]

Answer #17

Dear sirussurge

IRISH RULE DUDE!!! I’m Irish, obviously :)


Answer #18

top of the morning to ya


Answer #19

im irish and itallian great grandpa came from ireland at age of 12 with out his parents so im almost %100 irsh


Answer #20

im irish and hu the hell says top of the morning to ya I’ve never heard anyone say that in my life.

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