What's the most interesting thing in your life at this moment in time?

Answer #1

These Maui Style onion chips…. Mmmm so tasty…

Answer #2

My new dog lol I don’t get out much. xD

Answer #3

Never heard of them:o

Answer #4

Awh that’s cute:3

Answer #5

My sims 3 collection……I’m a simoholic and its very intresting to me :)

Answer #6

Ive pretty much started over, moved to the other side of the country, left all my belongings behind.. Hopefully this time everything goes right.

Answer #7

Sounds good I guess:-)

Answer #8

I’m going to the beach with my friend this weekend, which I’m really excited about. Other than that, I don’t have a lot going on!

Answer #9

Sounds great!

Answer #10

Alot of dea jau vu moments xD

Answer #11


Answer #12

Tryin to finish college while raising 2 kids

Answer #13

This book by Aldous Huxley called “Brave New World” first few pages and it’s already tossing you a monstrous topic in an eloquent tongue. That and my new desk that I just made yesterday :)

Answer #14

Ermmm trying to finish high school? hahah.

Answer #15

Aw that’s grim, high school sucks:3 What year ate you in?

Answer #16

I love music:D!

Answer #17

Sounds a bit of a challenge.. Good luck with that:)

Answer #18

My school doesn’t even go by years aha but I’ll be done within the next couple months. :) Just depends on how fast I can study. XD

Answer #19

I MIGHT be going bungee jumping this weekend:D can’t wait but freaking out:P

Answer #20

I had to read that one in school… for world literature. In English. Even though English is not my native tongue. I still have nightmares from it. AAArgh. Baby hatcheries with decanters. The mother of all “your mother” jokes.

Answer #21

I’m getting married Saturday.

Answer #22

Awesome, congrats :-)

Answer #23

Congratulations! :D

Answer #24

Thx :D

Answer #25


Answer #26

Haha, i Just finished making a music video! :D

Answer #27

im going to take my first 4-hour class class to get a learner’s permit on 7-28-12, which is tomorrow for me.

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