In a rut

I just started this diet and I immediately lost 5 pounds within a week, I do cardio every day for at least 50-60 minutes then I do crunches for my abs, but it seems like this week I have not lost a single pound and I have done the exact same thing, I watch what I eat taking no more then 1700 calories a day. Most days I dont even reach that. What will jump start my weight loss again

Answer #1

Change up your exercise routine because once your body gets used to it, you won’t see a difference as fast.

Answer #2

Your body fluates (sorry spell) one week you could loose 15lbs next you could just loose 2. just keep what your doing and you will reach your goal

Answer #3

Weight control is 90% what you eat and 10% what you do. Even if you only eat 1,700 calories a day, you may be eating the wrong things. Processed carbs first get stored as fat no matter how much aerobics you do. So stick to fresh fruit, vegetables, proteins (meats are fine) and raw nuts. Some foods like asparagus, apples, and celery take more calories to digest than you get out of them. Most people think it is all about exercise, but it is not.

GinaXXX is correct; the body will go in phases. If you instantly cut back your intake your body will sort of go into starvation mode and reduce its metabolism.

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