How can I improve my confidence and self esteem?

Answer #1

Some things that have helped me are, first no matter if your super skinny, or need to loose some weight, (Working Out) to either lose weight or to tone up your body. Exercising releases endorphins which are produced by the pituitary gland Endorphins work as “natural pain relievers”. This is why people who exercise feel so much better about themselves it also boosts the metabolism & energy levels, so your not feeling down or tired. Another thing is to (Dress Sharp) Although clothes don;t make the person, but it affects the way they feel about themselves and how they would like to be presented by other people. (Good Posture & walking faster) the way a person carries themselves tells a lot about them. stand up straight make eye contact and keep your head high. & You don’t want your walk to be slow, tired or painful. or energetic and purposful, People with a confidence walk quickly. It actually does work, I have noticed myself walking faster in just going to stores oe wherever after I had lost some weight. Also (reconize your inscurities) so you know what to work on and how to improve them, noticing them is the first step. (Speak Up) During group discussions many people never speak up because they’re afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. In speaking up you will have more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

Answer #2

Thank-you, that’s really useful :)

Answer #3

Your welcome, I hope it helps you as well.

Answer #4

Thanks :)

Answer #5

keep reminding yourself every day that you have nothing to be embarressed about and that situations are awkward only if you make them awkward. i used to be quite the awkward little fu.cker last year, but then i started doing this.. took me about a year to snap out of it. joining team sports is also another great way to stop being socially awkward, as your forced to be nice and friends with everyone on your team.

Answer #6

Self Esteem is a really deep concept. It cannot really be explained in words or put into definitions, it’s the good feeling you are born with. Ego can be cultivated but self esteem cannot be cultivated. It’s feeling good for who you are, where you are no matter what. No “technique” can help you build self esteem. It’s a natural feeling.

Answer #7

One of my freak friends told me to look in the mirror.naked and say im beautiful.

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