What is more important to you, liking your job or making good money?

Answer #1

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately…currently majoring in nursing but it’s not something I’m passionate about. Mainly doing it for the job security..I’d rather major in psychology.

Answer #2

Liking my job….I have left numerous jobs because I wasn’t happy with them, and where did it get me? The best job ever…that’s where.

Answer #3

Doing something I’m interested in is more important to me than money.

I believe in Joseph Campbell’s advice to follow your bliss.

Answer #4

I agree, I was making around 1000 a week 4 the past 4 years but I was totally miserable, and ended up on medications for anxiety/ depression, I also started losing my hair, do to stress, but when I got let go it was an amazing feeling, now I’m on a mission for my ideal job, it doesn’t matter how much you make as long as you can afford what you need, not what you want. The more you make the more you spend

Answer #5

Well for me liking my job is nice, but I do love money. More money can me make put on with more crap at work, so I guess it would depend on exactly how miserable I was and how much they were paying me to be miserable.

Luckily I have a job that pays decent, and I more or less enjoy it :P.

Answer #6

For me making money at this stage. I can’t see anything that I would particularly like doing as a job, however money enables me to pursue my hobbies and dreams outside of a job environment.

Answer #7

if i dont like my job.. i cant do it. i get an attitude and it just doesnt work. i have to enjoy what i do in order to keep doing it.

Answer #8

both i suppose. I work for an independent radio station, so plenty of perk benefits rather than wage really, although i do quite well.. I guess you have to ask where you see yourself in five years? When i do that its an easy answer that its not doing the same thing. I think it would be nice to finally say, i can see myself here, i think doing that for me would mean self employment again.. IDk..

Answer #9

Well both. I’m not exactly going to be happy if I was earning practically nothing, even if I loved my job. Like while I can imagine really loving becoming a school counselor, I dont exactly love the fact that they get paid practically nothing. So I find a job that I could love and earn a decent amount in. However, I wouldn’t work at a job I hated just for the money.

Answer #10

Honestly, I would rather have a job for the money. Maybe I just don’t understand since I haven’t had a job yet, but I’d rather have a job that pays good.

Answer #11

Liking and or enjoying my job. I think I get the most out of my job because I like the people I work with more than the job itself.

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