How can I gain confidence singing?

I’m shy really shy. But secretly I’m a good singer I want to start a band with my friends. What do I do?

Answer #1

As long as your friends are willing, go for it!! The only way to overcome the fear of singing for people is to do it. Start off small… with close friends/family. Accept their criticism. Work your way up to put on shows.

I use to be just like you. I decided to audition for our school’s varsity show choir (one of the best in the state). We had to sing for new and returning members, judges, and our amazing choir instructor. This made me realize that there are several other people like me who was scared. I didn’t feel alone anymore. I got up there and belted out my song. They said I was up there (vocally) with the returning members. That gave me confidence in my voice, after thinking I could never do that. Now I sing at bars and audition for anything I can!! Keep these words in mind. Don’t hold back. Use the talents God has given YOU, and use them proudly!! Forget all the negatives and focus on what you are good at!! I’m interested in how this will turn out… keep me updated if your band works out and what you guys do!!

Answer #2

i used to be shy too about singing in front of people but then i joined choruses and i eventually got the courage to do a talent show..and i won! it takes time to feel comfortable but do it in steps and you will gradually feel more confident about singing!!

Answer #3

Oh, I was just like you!!!! My advice, Sing Sing Sing. Sing your heart out anywhere you can! Karaoke is the key!

Answer #4

Ok. I used to be shy, i mean really shy. Every time before one of my preformances I would just think this: I am going to have fun doing this and I do not care what others will think.

You probably are only shy because you do not want to be critisezed, but remember you control everything that makes you feel in such a way. let their words go through one ear and pass through the other, but also do not be too ignorant and shut them off completely because they may save you some embarrasment. Before you preform, try doing exactly what you would do infront of a mirror. Go over expressions, hand movements, notes and pitches, and the most improtant…rythem! :) good luck!

Answer #5

I used to be shy like that but what you have to do is to feel confident in yourselve.Try joining choral group in your school.

Answer #6

Dont care what everybody else thinks do your own thing and that will give you all the confidence you need!

Answer #7

I usedd too be reallshy, but good andd people toldd mee that my hands turned blue on stage andd theyy REALLY DID, I wass liike freaking out andd anyways. justt as you do it more and more you will gain as much confidence as you need.(: belle inn yrself(:

Answer #8

I was shy when I first started singing but as once as u get on stage, it is a different story. Go for it and have faith.

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