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Hang in there while we get back on track
when you are sitting down watching t.v or something … ask them to turn down/off the t.v and say “mum dad I dont want you to be mad at me, I will take full responsibility for this, tell them whether you want to keep it or no (I think you shud) im pregnant , wait and then start to plead with them say you no that ure young but ure willing to look after it ! or not ! hope this helps : please let me no how you got on !! xox
Does anyone know that there is a TV show on MTV called “16 and Pregnant.” I kid you not. http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/16_and_pregnant/series.jhtml
Meanwhile: Mallory, figure out which of your parents is easier to talk to. Go to that one and let them know. Then they can be supportive when you talk to the other one.
Do not wait. Right now you have some options that you will lose if you wait. First is whether you want to continue with the pregnancy or not (I.e. abortion). If you are going to see this through, you will need prenatal care, proper diet, and big time emotional support.
If you decide to carry to term, an option that you might consider is giving the baby up for adoption, so that your child will have two parents that are better prepared and better off financially to raise this baby.
Take care of yourself, and Good Luck!!
p.s. the sperm donor has no legal say in what you decide, although if you choose to, you can have him be part of the decision making. He does, however, have financial responsibilities.
First of all.. You need to Calm down! relax a bit.
Now before disclosing this news to you’r parents make sure that they are in a happy mood. If they are, tell them that you accept you’r mistake. try to resist their hard words (if the say so..but I hope they won’t) Tell them as mreow said that You will take full responsibilty of you’r actions. use soft words. and don’t worry, you’r parents will definitely understand you (after all.. these things happen at this age)..So don’t curse yourself. Have faith in your parents..They’ll do the best for you.
All the best! :)
well what I think you should do is sit them down and just come out with it and tell them yes the will be mad but heres what you need to talk about if you keep it can you take care of it if not give it up to a foster home to a family who wants a kid but cant have one !!! then if you havent told your boyfriend that should be next he comes into play on what to do keep it or give it away !!! well hope this helps
oh! that sounds so hard. good luck. I dont have experience with this but I do have experiences with having to explain for some of my actions. the best is to just sit them down and talk about it calmly, it usually helps them calm down. mention that you will take full responsibility for your actions. it’s going to have to happen, and by wanting to talk to them about it other than just getting an abortion shows courage and responsibility. good luck!
Sit them down, & just let it out. Face the consequense.
Advice ; just realllyyy suck up to them, meaning clean the house, &really nice things & then do that :D . -_-
But NO MATTER what, don’t let any oneee talk you into abortion! :-/
Whoaa girl, qood luck.
You don’t have to; they know how the process goes.
Seriously, you’re just gonna have to break the bad news to them. Admit your irresponsiblity.
you just have 2 tell them. you should have thought about this before sex.
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