If you could have anything in the entire world...

what would it be?

Answer #1

As shallow as it sounds: money. There are two halves of life, the REAL side of life where money doesn’t matter, and then there’s the side that everyone cares about, and money is the ONLY thing that matters.

Anyone smart enough to be aware of these two halves knows that trying to live in both sides, but only wanting to live in the real side, can be tough. The answer is to win at the phony side of life so you’re free to live in the real side of life, and the only way to succeed in the fake side of life is to be filthy stupid stinkin’ rich.

Answer #2

My dad. He died when I was 2 years old, and I didn’t get to know him. All of my family talks about him fondly, and I hate that they got to know him and I didn’t. :(

Answer #3

Great question. What would it be for you, magictink? This year I want 20 acres and a great, perfect house. Joy and Freedom.

To ‘stellaapplemoor’ magic dust on you for having a fun, loving, nourishing relationship. No matter who’s face it is.

Answer #4

My stoopid ex.

Answer #5

if I could have anything in the wold, I would have my auntie back and my dad wouldnt be dying!

Answer #6

a lot of money so that we could own our own home go on our first family holiday pay off our debts

Answer #7

My Ex.

Answer #8

im sorry for your loss! I a dreading loosing my dad as we are so close!

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