If you could go anywhere...

where would you go if you could leave anywhere right now?

Answer #1

romania X cause there is my family …

Answer #2

I’ d go back to my country(Russia). I miss my family,my friends.Unfortunately, it’s impossible now.But it really makes me happy to know I’ve got people who care and love me.no matter how far they are

Answer #3

I would go to the heaven. I dont really enjoy being alive.. But anyway, if I could go to anywhere, I would go to hollywood, LA, taiwan alone. There’s no reason. Just feel like going to those country and study or make a living.

Answer #4

Um… anywhere overseas. I have never been out of western Australia, the farthest I have been is exmouth. Actually, I would go to Japan, as I am a pretty good student in Japanese and speak quite a bit. But I think I will be going there anyway next year… so I don’t know. Britz

Answer #5

I’d jump on the first available flight and go home to New Zealand… unfortunately, I have to wait for another 17 days…

Answer #6

I’d deff go to somewhere in Asia (Japan,Philipines,Malayasia,Thailand,Taiwan, where ever!)! Since I love asian guys. mmm. or to Puerto Rico that would be the best, plus I speak a lil bit of Spanish, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to understand everyone.lol Or S.Africa or Australia.

Answer #7

I would jump on a jet plane and go to Tennessee right now if I could to go see my very best friend that I haven’t seen in nearly 3 years and we’d party like rock stars and bar hop the whole time I’m there!!! oh.. I wish…

Answer #8

ummm HELLO I would totally go to my boyfriends work and give him a big kiss and tell him that I loved him and tell him that his mom said to go to his dads after work and get his check he left there from last week!! lol !!! I know my boyfriends retarded right!!!

Answer #9

Jamaica..to see all my friends there..miss it so much.. Oh and maybe Los Angeles..I miss my family there.. And my friends in France, Germany..OH and Spain Ahh I have no idea :O

Answer #10

iight this is going to sound weird, but I really want to go to Alaska to see the Northern Lights…I won’t die happy if I don’t lol…Oh yeah, & I’d also like to hit up Puerto Rico for them fine azz men;)

Answer #11

Aww some of these posts are just so touching! Thanks 4 sharing guyss. group hugg! ahahah.=)

Answer #12

To Maldive Island :)

Answer #13

I would want to go and meet all my peeps in person that are on here…or go to Cali, Hawaii, New York…anywhere but here!!! lol

Answer #14

The Island of St Lucia in the Caribbean. It is where I got married and it is beautiful beyond belief!


Answer #15

well my dream is to live in cali so.. ya

Answer #16

I’d go to the Netherlands, because its a neutral country so its probably safest when it comes to war also its got Amsterdam:D

Answer #17

ta ny and spend the weekand with ma baby

Answer #18

I would go at my brother and sis-in-laws house. I know it sounds stupid but I have my reasons.

Answer #19

LMAO^^ @ randum

Answer #20

Paris (I always dream of going to paris)

Answer #21

I would go see my best friend that is a guy and hang out with him!

Answer #22


Answer #23


Answer #24

AUSTRALIA!! to see my cousin that’s soon expecting a baby!! =)

Answer #25

I’d go to my boyfriends work and jump on him, I miss him lol Thats not far, but whatever… thats where I’d go.

Answer #26

japan, if only I could speak the language, dam

Answer #27

hey umm I would go to Hawthorne Nevada my mom live there LOL

Answer #28

id stay right where im at because thats where God put me

Answer #29
  1. PUERTO~RICO!!! Its sooo Beautiful there or ARABIA!!! (just cause its kewl) ooorrr Cancoon cause I look to say the word Cancoon=D hehehe
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