if I get preagnant can my mom put my boyfriend and his mom in jail?

I am 16 and he is 17

Answer #1

It depends on which state you are in, but in most states a 16 year old and a 17 year old can legally consent to sex with each other.

Answer #2

Wow, you’re asking all the wrong questions. First off, don’t get pregnant at the age of 16, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. There are no exceptions to this. Ask any mother who got pregnant at the age of 16. Even if she thought it sounded like a good idea at the time she’ll tell you she never would have done it if she would’ve known how much it would f**k everything else up in her life.

Aside from that, it’s an awful idea to do something that would put you in a bad standing with your parents. Parents don’t say these kinds of things just to make you mad, they’re trying to keep you from making stupid mistakes (and yes, getting pregnant at 16 IS A STUPID MISTAKE).

Whether or not he and his parents can go to jail depends upon your state’s Statutory Rape laws… but bearing all this in mind, why would you even consider it? Get on birth control, buy some condoms, have a great time, don’t get pregnant.

Answer #3

Well I don’t know the anwser to this question.. but I don’t like what number1superguy said. I had my son at 15 and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.. it was not a mistake. It was the furthest thing from that I didn’t plan him but I love him more then I will evr love someone… but now I am 18..

Answer #4

Legally no because your both minors but if you get pregnant after he turns 18 then she can but if you get pregant while hes 17 she cant even if when you have the baby he’s 18 it doesnt count. But both of you could get into trouble because its illegal for 2 minors to have sex.

Answer #5

no hes under age I mean if your mom really wants to she could but what good would he be if so I seriously doubt your mom would if you are pregant just talk to her about it.. but tell your boyfriend first. gud luck

Answer #6

Most Statutory rape laws…in most states…say the age of consent…meaning you’re old enough to choose for yourself if you want to have sex…is 16. So no, you’re boyfriend can not go to jail.

If the law in your state says the age of consent is 17 then yes, your boyfriend could go to jail but not his mother…unless the state can prove that she somehow had something to do with you getting pregnant.

However, you should be aware that you don’t need to get pregnant for your boyfriend to get into trouble…you only need to have a sexual relationship.

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