Would it be a good idea to put my poems on the internet?

Answer #1

Yes, if your confident with them i cant write to save my life.

Answer #2

Yep it sure wud, get some exposure

Answer #3

I didn’t think so either but i’ll post them and give you guys the link!

Answer #4

okay, im sure they will be fine

Answer #5

For a better idea, I think you better learn poetry dot com. They will give the patten for your creation, other poetry lovers can see them and you can share ideas on how to build your poetry making skill. Poetry dot com have annual poetry contest. You can win some money if people vote yours.

Answer #6

Wow thanks I’ll check it out!

Answer #7

I would say you have to do what feels comfortable for you.

We all can give our personal opinions on what you can do, but if you dont feel confident enough to share them…then I would advise against it.

You dont want to be in a place where you did share your most intimate poems then second guess why you did it or worse, be all upset if someone gave you perhaps bad feed back on it.

I personally write, and have shared a few poems on here, with that said I also have to add that I stopped. Not because of bad feed backs, if anything I got many kind responses. I just felt that they were too personal to be sharing with the world, especially when they started being sent to status update & not viewed. I just found it a waste. (Again, that is just my personal opinion, not meant to upset anyone here.)

My best advice to you is to go with your heart, no matter what it may be or what others might say. (including me) :)

Good Luck.

Answer #8

Yes, people will get to know the wrighthing, and nobody can steal it because it will be under your name and you can prove it. Make sure that you write the dates and your name, first and last, and you will be good to go.

Answer #9

Anytime at all… :)

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