How do I start a narrative poem?

or a epistle poem?

Answer #1

Before starting any type of poem, it’s good to have a general idea of what you want to write about. Once you think of your “negative” topic for the poem… think of 4-6 words that apply to what you want to say & then work around them until you find what works. I find this way the easiest when I’ve got writers block. Just keep playing with it. Keep working things out in your head until you have a lot of words and go along with it until you think you’ve explored it thoroughly. Then you will be ready to edit. Start by reading it and making sure you understand what you’ve got. Punctuate, make notes, cross stuff out, write in the margins. Then let your writer side have another go at it. Back and forth on this process until both sides are happy.

Answer #2

what i like to do when I write a poem is not really focus on the topic or anything but actually shut my eyes, take a deep breath & get in touch with my emotions. No matter what they may be, happy, sad, angry or anything in between…and use that to begin my poem. What ever flows from there is what comes out on paper.

when I have writers block, I put some music on anything will do nothing in particular…and just clear ur mind…allow what ever you are feeling to come out in any format it wants.

Hope this helps

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