I want to quit smoking. please give me some advice.

I want to quit smoking. please give me some advice.

Answer #1

I am currently breaking the cycle of chewing tobacco right now- I am doing it cold turkey. you will need to get your priorities straight as to why you are quitting, because your craving is going to ask you why you quit- and you had better have a very good answer in that moment or you will begin again.

you will feel like crap for a few days to a week- so get everyone prepared for it, you may not be the nicest person until you make it through the withdrawal phase, you are going to feel ill and lethargic- ride it out, if you can make it a week without a smoke- you will be able to make it longer. get an exercise plan in place, getting some fresh air on a walk, figure something out for you to do with your time- and to keep your mind off of smoking. disassociate yourself with the behaviour that would get you to smoke, and maybe stray away from other smokers until you have a rope on your addiction- other addicts have a marvelous way of acting supportive while blowing smoke in your face to get you to take a puff.

when it is just you and your craving fighting it out - remind yourself why you quit, tell yourself you are stronger than this addiction, and hold your ground. DO NOT EXPECT PERFECTION- IF YOU RELAPSE, DON’T VIEW THAT AS A DEFEAT- VIEW IT AS A TEMPORARY SET BACK, THROW DOWN THE CIGARETTE AND GET BACK ON “THE WAGON”. ALWAYS REMEMBER- YOU CAN DO THIS.

Answer #2

I smoked and it didnt do much for me so I stoped. my girlfriend smokes a lot and I have got her to rashon her self to less and less every week till she was having 2 a day and then none. so far were on one a day. if you smoke 20 a day then set and easy target like 17 a day so that you dont find it to hard and give up, after a few weeks you should be down to12 or so and eventuly you cna stop.

Answer #3

Eat vegetabes. Doing so will make any tobacco last longer in your system, and then you can ween off of them gradually.

Answer #4

They have pills that you could take. Go to the pharmacy they have different remedies that could work. Find th one thats right for you. One that you know you could stick to. Or just try to cut down little by little and eventually dont smoke at all.

Hope I helped

Answer #5

if you are using to taking 10 sticks a day then stat taking 5,then 3 then 2 then 1,then start skipping days it myt work but you must be determined too

Answer #6

Hello I’m Criss

I’ve never smoked before so I cant endure the addiction you have,but I must say,if your bound and determined to quit success will be yours.Mind over basically a piece of paper,you can achieve this task,if you tell yourself you can.

Answer #7

Cut down.

Answer #8

You’ll need lots of will power and support from family and friends.I can’t do it because I have none of that.LOL:)

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