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I want to get my nipples periced should I
Should I get my nipples and v j j periced
shhh I would still fu(%
I think its freaky but dats hot so I recommend the nipples. I remember a movie with a va jj piercing & it got stuck with a 12 gage piercing, I’m sure u’ve seen it wit cameron diaz really funny.
if you what to go for it I no about 4 people that did it 2 of them had to get them out cause of the pain it was to sensitive also the other one witch was my cuzin got infected and solow up so bad that the skin grow over the ring JUST OVER NITE and needed surgy sto get it out but she is allegic to even earings and cant even have those piericed so sorry if I scared you if you have other piercing and you ok with then I say try it worst case that them out its not a tattoo you can get rid of it good luck
if you want bit you cant legally get a nipple or genitle piercing profesionally pierced untill your 18 so youll hvae to wait 2 years be aware that a nipple piercing could end up damaging your milk ducts, making you unable to beastfeed so do your research and make sure you go to a pofesional piercer who will also exlain the risks
if you like pain then sure I’ve heard those piercings are killer and sumtimes your nipples wont take the piercing and you mite have to get them redone. also you will get very sore because the nipples are mad sensitive, it gets hard to sleep confortable and you have to b careful of what clothes you wear so nuttin gets stuck on the rings. so if you think you can handle all that pain and the after stuff then go ahead get em. only bright side of this is I heard the nipples get really sensitive to touch after you gett them pierced so if you like them played wit I guess its a plus lol hope I helped
ha ha you should get a pering some where you can show one of your teachers nt just you
It’s up to you really :) It’s your body and you can do what you like with it.
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