I want 2 know whos emo?

whos emo?

Answer #1

coolio I know what emo iz!! so wats your fav songs? just asking!

Answer #2

unfortunantly majority of the kids who call themselves emo and majority of the people who talk about emo still have no idea what the word actually means so most of the kids who claim to be “emo” really arnt and dont even know the real meaning of the word

Answer #3

I am xP

Answer #4

im not! :) but how is this question in the music section? thats why I came here. to answer me, please go to my profile and post a comment, thanks!

Answer #5

not me :) there are clearly better ways to get help.

Answer #6

not me, nope nope. ^_^. lol

Answer #7

me (;

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