Am I wrong for my reaction or are my parents too judgmental?

it was for the first time since I’d told them both to go to hell in March when my fiance went back to prison and they told me I could NOT use their address to receive and check for his mail while he’s incarcerated. Using vulgar demeanor and a very detatched style, I told them they weren’t any longer welcome in our lives..since then,

I sent my Dad an email recently saying sorry, and he courteously responded , but I JUST now received an email from him reprimanding me, that some of my fiance’s letters have gne to my mom’s house (accidentally a long time ago before they told me not to use their address) and that she ‘specifically told you not to use that address, and you did not honor that.” Well, screw the both of you once again, is what I am thinking. It’s been months, I really am not the one that needed to make the frst approach, but I did and that’s what I get?? My fiance has never even met them, much less done a thing wrong to me or them, ever. They simply heard he was in prison and won’t put his mail aside for me as I do not have an address right now, sort of bouncing around. I told my father not to ever speak to me as a child again, and that once again, he’d proven my first point in March to be correct. I don’t need them in my life. I know this is really lengthy but I had to vent. I’m not sure if I am in the wrong for my reaction or they are completely iron clad, judgemental and mother dated a man in jail for 4 years, dad a recovering druggie..please let me know what you think!!

Answer #1

IMHO..your Dad’s right..He doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes/or worse than he/they need to step back and take a SERIOUS look at yourself..your choices are sending you on a downward spiral in life..never cut off contact with or all may not be here tomorrow..There is One who is in the business of turning lives around/healing relationships/Families - Jesus Christ..this is what I KNOW to be true..if you reach a little way up for Him, He’ll reach all the way down for you..He did that for me..I wish you the very best !!

Answer #2

I agree with the person above me. You may not stay together (no offense but odds are you won’t since he’s in prison. Prison relationships probably wouldn’t be the best idea. Im probably being too negative about prison but i can’t help it. in 15 and my father -my parents divorced when i was 2 and i haven’t seen him since- well he was in prison the day she left him and he has been in and out ever since. Actually he is in right now. He was an abusive alcoholic and beat my mother in the stomach with the car door when she was pregnant with me. You know when people tell you to forgive and forget? well you probably won’t ever catch me telling that to anyone because i don’t forgive my father. he hasn’t tried stay in contact with me nor my two sisters. he even got a 17 yr old girl pregnant a few years ago and went to prison during her pregnancy. she married someone else and the man adopted her son.) so thats why i say that about prison relationships. But, i think you should talk to your parents. they brought you into this world and unless they have done anything to harm you or put your life in questioning, you should be able to lean on them for things. my almost 19 yr old sis is 6 1/2 mons pregnant with her second child (first at 17 was a miscarraige) and her baby’s father lives with me, my mother, and my two sisters. he just got forced to get a job to split the bills for occupancy at our home and will probably end up getting taken to court if he ever tries to leave my sister alone with the baby. (she was a minor when she got pregnant both times). i dont’ know why im telling you this all but maybe itll help in some moral way :D adios, amiga!

Answer #3

Dear misspaula, We all know that two wrongs don’t make a when both are wrong what do you do? You were wrong to disrespect your parents and they were wrong with the way they handled the situation as well. So who goes first? You tried and apologized but they felt you still did them wrong. You are not living in your own place but sponging off of are repeating your parents mistakes as well. Parents will see this as their failure more than yours and perhaps they feel one of two ways: one they want you to stop depending on them as your mailbox and whatever else and two that they want you to learn by your mistakes and are using some tough love. Either way it sounds like you need to get your act together and start being responsible for your life. Never depend on other..get a job and a place of your own..Move boyfriend is in “prison” time to find a partner that will be around and be supportive to you. Just because we came from a family with these types of dysfunctions does not mean you have to repeat them. Sue..good luck

Answer #4

well i think u,fiance, and your parents need to sit and talk about this bkuz your parents are giving u 2 much bullshit about this whole ordeal but dont call them names and crap kuz u and him may not even stay together mail me back if u need ne more help

Answer #5

I am not trying to be mean, but I am going to give you my honest opinion. I obviously do not know all of the details, so I am just writing this based on what you told us.

I have to say that I agree with your parents. I don’t think they are being hypocritical as much as they are trying to help you have an even better life than they had. If you are currently homeless and your partner is in prison, that’s not exactly a good sign that your life is going in a great direction. I think your parents probably just want to make sure you are safe, healthy, happy, and have the best life possible. I think any good parent would do the same. I think you should be proud that they’re not very accepting of your current lifestyle.

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