What if I'm bi?

I think im bi because I fantasise bout women and I think I love my best mate( whos a girl) but I dont know what to do…???

please help thanks Becca…

Answer #1

atlprincess you cna be a bi*ch I hve read some of the comments you have left people and some of them are are rather rude

Answer #2

well I personally think you shuld go to church but if datz not theoption for u, then I would say.. there is not such thing as bisexual.. you should pick which one you want… a girl, or a guy whicever one you feel more comfortable. AND YES I AM 100 PERCENT STRAIGHT.. but all that bisexual stuff. is friggen lame.and annoying.

Answer #3

Sometimes it can be a bit confusing about how you feel in your teenage years- some people find the attraction to the same sex is a “phase”, while others find it runs deeper than that. Either way, you shouldn’t shy away from it, because it’s a part of you being the person you are.

If you think you have feelings for your friend, you might be worried about how she might react. First off, focus on telling her that you think you may be bisexual. If she’s a true friend, it won’t freak her out too much. True friends accept you for who you are, no questions.

All the best with your situation, and remember- be yourself! :)

Answer #4

Theres nothing wrong with it if you are. If your just really good friends with her you might be feeling that. Unless you are truely sexually attracted to her you might just be realizing your just very good friends. But if you are I would tell her that you are bi. If shes your friend she wont care… you might just want to leave out the part that you like her for now.

Answer #5

ummm well dont do anythin drastic…ya know be chill.You shouldnt tell your best friend bout it yet ,wait till your 100% positive or it will b really wierd

Answer #6

You should do nothing, but you should accept this feeling. But nothing is sure yet, your present feelings mean almost nothing, the real sex life will show you that what you are. You may tell your feeelings to your mate, maybe she is also interested in a common wanking. At your age it is a normal behaviour.

Answer #7

just be open about it. as an out bisexual, I have learned that it doesnt really matter to your friends they really dont care if they ar truly your friends and you might even inspire someone else to come out and she could inspire someone else and you could create something beautiful. dont be afraid of who you are, or you will never be happy

Answer #8

It’s a time in your life when you see for yourself.

Answer #9

if she’s not a lesbian/bi, then theres nothing you can do about it, and you have to find someone else.

Answer #10

um ew, stalker above me^^^


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