Does anyone have Hypoglycemia?


Lightheaded/dizzy all of the time (when lightheaded I get headaches sometimes), random spurts of dehydration/dry mouth, very lethargic, constantly weak and tired, get tremors or shaky hands a lot, VERY hard to concentrate (sometimes its so bad that I cant even make full sentences)!

I spoke to my doctor and he is doing some blood work (I wont get it back for a few days)… he said I might have hypoglycemia, and I should get a blood glucose meter and check my blood every 2 hours or so! I am kind of confused though… I don’t know how that works… how often should I take my blood… literally every 2 hours or after meal or before meals… ahhh.. I am lost! Also how do I know if it is low.. I head that my glucose level should be between 90-110 one-two hours after eating… I ate breakfast this morning (a bowl of Kix cereal and a 4oz. glass of orange juice at 6:55am) I took the glucose test at 8:55am because I was kind of zoned out and shaky and it said 75… I am kind of lost about it all…. Does ANYONE know about hypoglycemia and how blood sugar levels work, and if it is low what do I do!!???

Anything you know about hypoglycemia would be helpful!! PLEASE HELP!!

Answer #1

Hypoglycemia runs in my family. You have to eat every 2 hours. My dad has it so bad that if he doesn’t eat he will almost have a heart attack. You don’t have to eat meals, just something light. A banana, fruit, crackers and cheese, just something small and light. My dad doesn’t have to check his blood sugar because as long as you eat every 2 hours, you’ll be fine. Mine isn’t as bad as my dad’s, I can go almost all day without eating, but it will catch up to me when I’m older. The blood sugar meters are for diabetics because if you eat everytime it says it’s down, you’ll have to rely on that. You can learn to rely on every 2 hours. Just always keep something, even if it’s a couple pieces of bread. If you are in school, besure to tell your teacher’s you always have to have something to eat. Also… cut back on all pop or anything with artificial sugars in it. My dad drank only water for 5 years because if he drank any kind of pop he would get way too have of blood sugar levels. So if you drink pop now, only have like a small 12 oz or ever 8 oz glass a day. Regular coffee is fine, and so is the creamer. Juices and kool-aid unless it’s real fruit juice, you should stay away from. Only drink and eat stuff with natural sugar, no artificial sugar of any kind. This is something to take very serious.

Answer #2

If you have hypoglycemia, it is important that you eat several small meals a day. Try to avoid processed (white) sugars and carbs - opt instead for proteins and whole grains. I eat a lot of peanut butter on whole wheat crackers and that helps keep me stable.

The range varies for different people. Although 90 is normal for most folks, it’s low for me and I start showing signs of hypoglycemia. It’s important that you do check your glucose frequently right now so that you can learn what your range is.

It’s important for you to know that if you have a meal with high sugar content, your glucose will rise rapidly and then fall sharply. This can be very dangerous! If it falls too far too fast with no intervention, you can go into a coma and die. But that’s a worst case scenario. Since you are doing the right things now, you can avoid this.

As for how this all works, the body releases insulin after a meal and the insulin helps take the glucose to the cells where it can be used as fuel. But sometimes either you don’t have enough insulin to do the job or the insulin you have is just not very good. When these problems occur, you may have diabetes (too much glucose) and/or hypoglycemia (too little glucose). This is a very simplistic explanation but, hopefully, it will give you a place to start.

Best of luck and let us know how you’re doing when the tests come back.

Answer #3

75 isn’t really that bad, but people feel the symptoms differantly. 75 could make you fell how I feel at 45. When you are low, have orange juice or glucaose tablets or any other juice with like the same amount of sugar, then eat something with protein in it to keep your sugar level. Good luck:)

Answer #4

Your level is going to be lower in the morning… and higher after meals.

Just make sure you keep accurate records of when you ate and what time you did the test, so when it’s reviewed by the doc, it will be known, in case it’s important.

You might want to read up on it too – there;s very detailed info on wikipedia.

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