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Know where I can get $3000, to get a used car?

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I have tried everything I can think of but can't find no help, I am a stay at home mom with three teenage kids, my husband was diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy three years ago, I am unable to work because I stay at home and take care of him, and the government don't pay you for that, I have no car so I am unable to get my husband back and forth to mayo clinic for more help, he needs to be on a breathing machine and a heart monitor and I can't get him anywhere, our car broke down in may of this year and I can't get no money to buy another one. we are falling behind on bills and don't have much for food each month, we get food stamps but it is only $115 amonth for a family of 5, it don't go far. our credit is getting worse all the time. does anyone know where I can get $3000, to get a used car and get caught up and start fresh. I am about to drop with all this stress and tension, im so tired because I can't sleep at night I need help before I lose everything, just a chance to start fresh.