I'm on the pill, but I haven't started my period yet.

I’ve taken it around the same time every single day but I did miss one day of taking it week before last. I was supposed to start my period 2 days ago and I haven’t. I know it’s really early to start worrying about it, but I’m just being cautious. I’ve never started late while being on the pill. Should I be worried?

Answer #1

the only reason you should be worried is if you are pregnant. The hormones from the pill will more than likely abort the baby but if you have no had sex than that is not a concern. It also depends on what pill you are on. Some stop you from having a period some have two are three major ones some just keep you from getting pregnant with the normal period. Read the bottle talk to mom, or the doctors or an EXPERINCED friend. (you don’t want fallacies.) Your period cycle may also be changed from the pill. So there is nothing to be too worried about but all pills have side effects. Read the bottle and see what it says and then make a deduction.

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