I have depression so how do I tell?

I think I mighthave depression because I took online tests and they said yes and I should see a docter but I havent told my parents and its been over a year.. I always put on a smile and I used to cut myself and my mom saw some on my legs but I said it was for fun and not serious ( I cant beleive that she took that) I talked to samitarians however you spell that but I’ve been with them to long by email and they let me go. I kind of want help but im so terrified what my parents will say I dont even know if I should even talk to them about it. please help

Answer #1

To determine whether or not you have depression you should first sit down with yourself and by yourself and analyze yourself. Self mutilation is definitely a sign of depression. Im a correctional officer and work at a prison, I know men who are self mutilators because they say it discharges the mental anguish and some of them do it so much they don’t even feel it anymore. Its dangerous because one day you may go too far, cut too deep, and won’t be able to come back from it. You must first know what could be the driving cause of this depression. What happened to you in your life that would cause you to be so down and what event took place that would make you depressed. Is it a lack of attention or another tragic event. Are you happy with yourself or not? There was a man in prison who lost his mother and that caused him to cut on himself. Depression is a “spirit” and not a “sickness”. The medicine they create for it is only suppressants and not cures, that’s just another way for America to make money. Just because you get sad sometimes doesn’t mean your suffering from depression. The truth is life is life, it may not be fair and it may be hard, but God put us here for a reason. The number 1 key is to know who you are, find yourself, and love yourself. It seems like you don’t love yourself if you’re cutting into your flesh. Don’t be infected with medicines that take you out of yourself and make you hallucinate. Deal with this, seek help, and the best method is believing in God. But if you don’t find someone that you can trust to talk to because life is too short o be so unhapy. It has its moments but its not that bad. Someone here on earth is worse off and just your smile can brighten there day. Your testimony and your story could help people who are going through the same thing. So keep saying to yourself that I will overcome this and I am better than this. You are human being and are loved by many so please get help and open up about it. If noone know noone can help.

God bless you!

Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Your profile implies that you are 18 by the birth date you’ve listed. You should contact http://www.funadvice.com/email/compose?to=editor and get the date corrected.

  You are at an age where hormones, emotions and even your brain are undergoing strong changes. It is natural to occasionally feel confused or depressed.

The best thing you can do is to talk to a counselor or therapist. Barring that, find someone you can communicate your emotions and thoughts with, sort of like a sounding board. Keeping your thoughts to yourself doesn’t help. If you can’t find someone around you then consider Fun Mailing someone on Fun Advice.

Check out the link below for information on teen depression.

Information on teen depression:


   If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.


In the U.S.A., you also have access to:

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

Call With Any Problem, Any Time



Answer #3

Parents are funny… they dont like to believe their kids could possibly be in enough pain to want to hurt themselves so they’ll believe anything… I told my dad my cat scratched me and he bought it… But they are also unbelievably resilient. Once they do know and accept it, they will be able to get you help. I know it seems impossibly hard to actually get out the words. But depression is an illness. If you had a physical ailment you’d see a doctor and this isnt any different. The cutting wont make it go away. Waiting it out wont make it go away. You need to talk to someone about it. If you dont want to get into details, then dont. Just tell your parents you havent been feeling very well and you want to see a doctor. Then let the doctor know… But please tell someone. There is no reason you should be unhappy when there are treatments out there that can help you.

Answer #4

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Information on teen depression:


  Information on self injury:


  Do you WANT to stop cutting? Then check out this site:


  Check out the above sites. You’re 18. It is time for you to talk with your parents and ask them to help you. The help you get now will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life.

Depression is something that happens to lots of people. You don’t have to feel bad about it. Just get some help so that you can turn your life around and start perceiving the happiness that you deserve.

Answer #5

but im not 18 im only 13 :(

Answer #6

I really think I have depression im sorry but I do not beleive in god and never will, but I have no idea why im depressed I cant think of anything that made me depressed.

Answer #7

okay for real I got depression too. and like I didnt know till I got told it when I was a phyc ward. so yeah online tests dont mean much. and if you cutt you can do it for a lot of reasons like attention not just depression. im not saying your not depressed but if you r terrified of your parents but you actually want help then that shows that your takin responsibility and I give you props because that takes balls. lol so go for it if you want it then you mite actually need it. dont let your parents get in your way, I mean really they want you to b a normal kid I bet, and if you need help to become one again then they will stand behind u

Answer #8

Just try and talk to your parents I’ve been dealing with the same thing as you and I havent told my parents either… Im going to try tonigt because now I realize it takes courage to tell someone… I think drugs that help the chemicals in your brain ballence out are a good option( prescription)… I am very scared too… Just try to tell them and remember its a mental disease and you will know if you have it… Get courage and talk to your parents and a doctor and you van start your road to being happy agan… I wish you good luck^_^ tell them the truth

Answer #9

ok, let me tell you something… my best friend for two years was cutting herself. and byu the way I saved her life twice. but cutting yourself is not something that you should rely on to make you feel better. I myself got diagnosed with severe depression, although I do not feel I have it, but it is just something that runs on my dads side of the family… so I think the first thing you should do is to research family history… find out if anyone in your family suffres or suffered from depression without giving it away that you might have it, another very important thing you should do…( I did this by the way) start journal writing… or art…(and believe me, this sounds really stupid, but I tried it and it so worked) write in your journal when you are upset or you need someone to talk to but nobody is there. all you gotta do is write down your thoughts and how you are feeling. draw pictures and listen to some music.. put on your headphones, lock your door to your room, and cry if you have to… just drown anyone else out of your mind and think about why you are depressing yourself… another thing you can do is, get a friend or a really close family member to take you to your family doctor… tell him/her that you want it to be completely confidential… and find out what other things you can do to keep your mind off thigns.. if your doc offers you a pill(which he/she most likely will) try to see if you can get your way out of it… its an anti-depressant and they knock you right out.. trust me, I was on them for months…but yeah..for sure and let me know how things are going… hope you figure things out…chao chikka

Answer #10

but how do I talk to them? what do I say? iunno if I have the strength to do it.

Answer #11

these are the symptoms of depression

Sadness or hopelessness Irritability, anger, or hostility Tearfulness or frequent crying Withdrawal from friends and family Loss of interest in activities Changes in eating and sleeping habits Restlessness and agitation Feelings of worthlessness and guilt Lack of enthusiasm and motivation Fatigue or lack of energy Difficulty concentrating Thoughts of death or suicide

Answer #12

these are the symptoms of depression

Sadness or hopelessness Irritability, anger, or hostility Tearfulness or frequent crying Withdrawal from friends and family Loss of interest in activities Changes in eating and sleeping habits Restlessness and agitation Feelings of worthlessness and guilt Lack of enthusiasm and motivation Fatigue or lack of energy Difficulty concentrating Thoughts of death or suicide

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