I have big cankles, calves and thighs, what to do?

Hi, I have big cankles, calves and thighs, I have a skinny upper body, so my stomach is really flat. I’m 15, im around 123 pounds, 5’6, do I have to go on a diet or change something, is my body normal, what to do?

Answer #1

You’re like just like me - we have seriously from the way you described yourself the exact bodyshape as me , and were the same age :) Well, if I’m not mistaken you have a lot of muscle on your legs, and not so much fat So what you want to do is run- RUN a lot In that way you burn of the fat you have, and dont build muscle. By doing weights you build muscles - and thats exactly the opposite you want to do if you want slender legs. Yoga is a good possibility too - because it does cardio, but stretches at the same time, and in that way you burn fat and build SLENDER muscles, and not bulky ones :)

Answer #2

You seem normal and not over wt. At 5’ 6” you should weigh 130# so you are fine. You can’t change your genetic makeup cankles, ankles or thighs be sure to eat right and exercise

Answer #3

If you go to the gym only work on your lower body and not your upper. I don’t think going on a diet will help thats just the way your made, so just work your lower body.

Answer #4

and yes you’re body is completely normal.

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