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I hate my mom
I hate my mom!!! So fuki much!!! She never supports me . She broke me and my bofriend up. And I am not allowed to even talk to him any more, because she thinks 15 is to young for a boyfriend. She yells at me for the most stupid things!!! She dosen’t let me be friends with the people who are really my friends, because she thinks their inapropriate! She is a bit* !!!she calls me a brat, dumbass, a low life!!! I hate it!!! I want a mother who cares about me!!! Why does she do this to me??? What did I ever do to her??? I have tried telling her these things but she just screams at me and tells me how stupid I am!!! And then she takes away the computter that I bought with my money, and grounds me from tv, and tells me I have 2 sleep on the floor with no pillow cause I was bad!!! I wasen’t bad!!! I just want a mother who cares about me!!!
Dont worry girl my mom is the same way! I am 21 and I have two kids she still tries to tell me what to do. I always walked around with my head down thinking that it was my fault! I tried to commit suicide several times thinking that life would be better off without me here. Just try to talk to her if she doesn’t listen just try and get through it because, once you turn 18 your life is yours. Its rough I know my mom has called me a whe,bit, low life…everything that your mom has probably called you. But girl dont worry your life will get BETTER. PROMISE. Please add me girl! I also have myspace its augusta_chic062002@yahoo.com thats my yahoo ID also. You keep that head up and ANYTIME I MEAN ANYTIME you need to talk or have a question that you can’t ask or talk about with anyone else you can talk to me its always easy to a stranger about things that you wouldn’t usually talk to anyone else about. Be good.
Simply a Rose to brighten your day, And maybe lessen the cares in your way; And also, too, to help you to know, That in knowing you, many others grow! Your profile indicates that you are 13. Did you simply forget to set the correct birth date?
in my opinion, to me, you are coming across as spoiled, disrespectful and too full of hate.
Whether you want to admit it or not, your mother is trying to raise you in the most proper way she knows. She isn’t perfect but none of us are. She does love you and is trying to do the best that she can.
Maybe if you start being helpful to her and showing her the respect that she deserves, she will be more willing to consider your points of view and lengthen the leash.
Like it or not, until you’re 18, you have to abide by her wishes. She is charged, by nature and by law, to raise, provide for, and protect you in the best way that she can. Even though she isn’t perfect, show her a little respect and consideration.
That very sad and I’m sorry about what your going through. Thats not right for your mom to say those things please respond back and be my friend .So keep your head up and never look down you will be okay. And I pray that you and your mom can make up. this is your your boy marzette10 never look down.
Hey thats very much mean of your mom to do so.. You could perhaps tell your dad about this so he could be like paying more attention to you.. :-)
Im sorry you are going through such a hard time at the moment with your mum. I can totally relate to the boy situation tho. I was 15 and he was 18, and my mum hated it! He was the first person that I properly liked and I was devastated, I moved out for a couple of weeks to a friends house to get away from her because of it.Now im seeing somebody 2 years older than me. And my mum still doesnt like that.! but at the end of the day its my life, if I mess things up I will have to live with the consiquences of my actions and I hope that my mum will be there for me if that does happen. Try and speak to another family or friend member, talking about it always helps.
Omg! I know how you feel girl! I just turned 16, but my parents are super strict. The forbidded me to see my boyfriend, because he was 18 and I was 15. Im 16 now and he is 19. Were hoping to talkt to my parents soon to get themm to reconsider. But you know what my mom did? She called my boyfriend and threstened to throw him in jail and told him I havent experienced the world yet and Im not capable of making my own decisions… I WAS AND STILL AM SO P*SSED! Im telling you all it is is she doesnt want you to grow up. The older you get, she realizes your becoming a woman and is going to try to shelter you because she keeeps telling herself your still a little girl. Your mom just takes things to the extreme cause she wants you to still be a little girl. Also therre are control issues. I bet you are an only child
maybe your mums depressed.
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