how can you go from love to hate in less than a second?

I dont understand how I can possibly love someone SOOO fking much and then endup hating him I mean he was my bestfriend im so confused abt everything right now I feel so fkin hurt and letdown :( So explain to me how can you go from love to hate in less than a second? What we had was strong btw.. He was a huge part of my life and now he hates me and he wishes I was dead ugh help me :(

Answer #1

Then I guess its time to let go.. Its not fair that im doing all the work and trying to get things back to the way they were. I doubt he cares anyways

Answer #2

[He] doesnt have to say it, it shows in his actions. Yeah actually love CAN fade into hate in a second. Im tired of showing him I care since nothing convinces him. I might not be the best friend I could be but one thing I do KNOW is how much I cared about him. Thinking will only make me doubt and doubting will just start the cycle over again. I dont think we can ever get back what we had.

Answer #3

Love doesn’t just fade into hate in a second. Love fades over time. How do you know he hates and wants you dead? Did he tell you himslef? or are you just assuming he does? What did he do that makes you feel so hurt and let down? Think about how this all happened and IF you really “love” him prove it to him but IF not tell him goodbye… Sometimes goodbye is a second chance, and goodbye might be both of yours.. Think about for a week or two, before you decide anything.

Answer #4

Everything in life in impermanent…love can be lost just as easily as a penny falling out of your pocket.

You need to move forward. The past holds pain…let it go. Let him go.

Answer #5

Is this a real life best friend or a cyber best friend? If its a real life friend as Ichibanarky stated above, its normal to feel that way towards your best friends…We treat our best friends like our brothers and sisters at times, they see all our faults and bad habits and vice versa but best friends can be replaced.

But if it is a cyber best friend, don’t worry too much about it as you cannot really hate or love someone who you never met in person. :)

Answer #6

IF you don’t think or believe you guys can go back to what you had then let go.

Answer #7

umm… I dont know but I think that you should ask a phycyotrist (horrible at spelling sorry).

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