I feel that we're not ment to be!!

I feel like im doing wrong I love my girlfriend but I just dont feel like im doing the right thing by being with u, I mean your awsome and I love you but I feel wrong I fell like im doing go dwrong I know I cant have a girlfriend im not ready!! and my girlfriend isnt into the church like I want her to and I know I cant change her I could try but its up to her and until I see her straight with god im sorry babe but I cant be with you I’ve’e been thinking for a long time and where always mad and your very jealous and im not that much but your making me be and I cant stand it!! your not the only one who is dying inside I feel like its not our time yet please forgive me im sorry but I need to get my priorities straight and god isnt the first one so I need to change that so please if I hurt you I dirnt mean to. when I was praying and these last two weeks I heard lupe tell me that there is something your hiding from us but not god and just remember you have a ministry and you cant let the enemy take you down cause god has great things for you and the enemy will trow everything at you to bring you down so dont let him.so wht I got to say is where done.wher not right for each other and I feel like I just make you cry and just hurt you just look at your profile!! im sorry all I got to say now is please dont leave church cause its the worste decision you will ever make!!

Answer #1

jeez you cud have giv your girl da respect of brekin upwid her face 2 face… and not made it\so PUBLIC!!! you sound like a sweet guy… buh DAMN THATS ANOYIN WOT you just DID… you shud keep these things private!!!

Answer #2

why did you send this on here? Did you just break up with your girlfriend on FunAdvise? Thats harsh. Wayyy harsh You could of at least sent it in an email instead of everyone to read. Im sorry to who ever your girlfriend is.

Answer #3

thats not right dudeee :/

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