I feel pregnant, but why are the tests negative?

I feel bloated and full in my uterus im gaining weight and I usually never do im always hungry but I dont always want to eat sometimes when I think of food I gag even though my stomach is growling my nipples kill my breasts are so sensitive and sore I was on depo provera and I bled everyday and now all of a sudden I stopped and I only bleed one or twice a day and its very little and watery and light brown like the end of a period the last time I had sex was 3 weeks ago and I remember getting bad cramps like I was ovulating the night after my moods change rapidly the smallest thing makes me fly off a handle and I get so mad yesterday I was laughing and smiling even though I was mad… I don’t know why…

whats wrong with me? am I pregnant? because I took two tests when you pee on the stick, one was a week ago and it was neg and the other was this morning, also neg. is it too early to tell?

monday I was at my gyno and they took a blood test because im supposed to get on the Pill to originate my period because it was all messed up after Depo and they said my hormone level was balanced and perfect and I wasnt pregnant but I think those are the only two reasons why I can be feeling this way.


(sorry im posting so many things about me possibly being pregnant. im fifteen and my boyfriend is seventeen, and im freaking out.)

Answer #1

here’s some facts I found and explains what you are feeling:

Weight gain, depression, breast tenderness, allergic reactions, and menstrual irregularities may continue until Depo Provera is cleared from a woman’s body, about 6 to 8 months after her last injection

What are the side effects? The side effects are usually not serious, but it is important to realize that once Depo-Provera is injected, it cannot be reversed or neutralized. You will have to live with the side effects until the medicine wears off in 3 months.

Menstrual irregularities Bleeding, spotting and amenorrhea (not having periods) are common. After a year of Depo-Provera injections, 57% of women are not menstruating. After 2 years, 68% of women are not menstruating. If you stop getting Depo-Provera injections, your period usually returns within 3 to 10 months.

Pregnancy-like symptoms These symptoms include sore breasts, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal discomfort. They may occur after the first 4 injections but usually go away. If you experience a spotty darkening of the skin (usually on the face), this symptom may not go away completely.

Weight changes Weight changes may occur due to increased appetite. Average weight gain is 3 pounds by the end of the 1st year and 5 to 7 pounds, total, by the end of the 2nd year.

* 33.5% of women on Depo-Provera gain weight
* 20% of women on Depo-Provera lose weight
* 10% of women on Depo-Provera have no change in their weight.

Depression Depression may occur but the cause is unclear. It does go away if you stop using Depo-Provera.

Other symptoms Other symptoms can include headache, dizziness, nervousness, some loss of scalp hair, some increase in body hair, a decrease in sex drive, leg cramps, and bloating. They may or may not be caused by Depo-Provera. Report any of these side effects to your medical provider immediately.

Answer #2

I’m guessing it’s because you just got of the depo provera…it has SOO Many side effects and what you are describing…I.e. the weight gain and the no period and all those are EXACTLY the side effects you can have on it.

Answer #3

hahah yeah maybe.

I talked to my mom about it and I think we are just going to go to my gyno in two weeks and just make a log of how I feel because we both think its too early plus I heard HTPs dont always work for everyone.

thanks for your help though. :)

Answer #4

you’ve taken 2, which means the probability of both tests being busted is already very high. Take 2 more, maybe your hormones weren’t up on the 1st one and the 2nd one was busted. At least 2 more will ensure your not preggo. Hey it could be psycological… could be like a hypocontriact only a preggocontriact

Answer #5

maybe you just got gas?

Answer #6

yeah because that makes sense…

Answer #7

1st off if you are pergnant, it is to early to tell. Some women do not get a positive pregnancy test until the following month, 2 or 3 weeks after they have miss a pms. It is really hard to know if you are having pregnancy symptoms while on the depo. Signs of Pregnancy before Missed Period The early signs of pregnancy before a missed period include:

* Light Spotting: One of the pregnancy signs before missed period is light spotting. This is actually implantation bleeding. The fertilized egg burrows through the uterus lining that is rich in blood. The spotting is very light with red or pinkish or reddish brown staining. You may observe such a staining for a day or so. If this spotting is accompanied by pain, speak to the doctor to rule out early ectopic pregnancy symptoms.
* Frequent Urination: The blood supply and other fluids in your body increase during pregnancy. This extra fluid processed by the kidneys fill up your bladder. The hormonal changes due to hCG hormone also cause frequent urination.
* Elevated Body Temperature: If you find your temperature remains high for over 18 days continuously without any apparent illness, you may be pregnant.
* Fatigue: One of the early signs of pregnancy before missing a period is fatigue. The change of hormonal levels make you exhausted and sleepy.
* Cramps: As the uterus is capable of contracting, exercise, moving around and orgasms may lead to lower abdominal cramps.
* Nausea: One of the early signs of pregnancy before missed period is nausea. Feeling of nausea can occur any time during the day or night.
* Tender Breasts: The most early signs of pregnancy before missed period is tender, swollen breasts. This soreness of the breasts is similar to the breast pain before your menstrual cycle.
* Darker Areolas: The nipple area becomes darker and the bumps on the areolas become more prominent. This may be observed within a week of conceiving.
* Constipation: The intestines tend to become more relaxed due to the hormonal changes leading to constipation. A changed bowel movement is one of the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.
* Bloating of the Abdomen: The hormonal changes taking place in your body make your stomach bloated. If your pants are getting tighter at the waist, it may be an early sign of pregnancy before missed periods.

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If you have pregnancy symptoms for more than two weeks, see a doctor . I am having the same problems on depo but i have been cramping for 4 weeks. good luck

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