How to get rid of my period?

Please help I hate my period it gets on my nerves!!! everytime I take a shower and dry off it gets all over my towel I really hate it and I dont want it at all Please help me I really want it gone!!


Answer #1

sikashimmer’s on the ball. you can stop your period! with the pill like she has suggested or there are also other new form of contraception which will help stopping you period.

theres a bar you can get inserted into your arm called ‘Implanon’. its conpletely healthy and you will have a little bit of bleeding for the first four months and then wont have your period for about 3 years. then you get the bar replaced.

there is also an injection you can get called ‘Depo Provera’. which works the same as the bar except you just get a needle.

the pill can also work, just skip the period BUT YOU MUST MAE SURE you are on a pill that allows you to skip it otherwise you will get a build up of layers in your overies which is reallly unhealthy.

there is some REALLY STUPID girl up there ‘lilshawty’. shes on crack obviously and doent no what she is talking about. because you CANNOT get pregnant on your rags.

and ‘imme’ also doesnt no what shes talking about because alll of the medications I have recommended allow you to have kids safely in the future ;)

DONT BE SCARED. you doctor wont give you anything unsafe. and if you arnt comfy with havin you rags, you shouldnt have to! dont listen to everyone else. you decide for YOURSELF.

have a good one. hope I’ve helped in some way.

Answer #2

Wow people are really clueless about the whole period thing.

Yes you can get rid of your period. There is a new pill out called Lybrel, that is a continuous use birth control pill - meaning you take it 365 days a year. Your gynecologist or doctor might give the go ahead for you to use another birth control pill for continual use(you just skip the placebo week) That’s what mine did.

There is no need for a woman to have a period when on the pill. The “placebo week” is an absence of hormones which is what causes the bleeding. There is no unfertilized egg or unsuitable uterine lining to get rid of so on hormonal birth control those periods are basically a “fake” period. Something the inventors decided to do in the 60’s to make the product more psychologically acceptable for women.

You only need your period if you’re current goal is to get pregnant. if you don’t plan on getting pregnant right now then go for birth control that gets rid of your periods!

You will most likely have spotting while on a continuous pill, that’s completely normal. You can talk to your gyno or health care physician about it.

xox Sika

Answer #3

um…hunny!!! you cant get rid of your period until you go through menopause!!! dumb a**!! but anyways, you have to either use a tampon or a pad!! so get used to it!! and when you use a tampon you change it like every four hours!! and another thing when you take a shower take the tampon out!! your period stops flowing when you are in the shower!! and then wehn you get out of the shower dry off and then go to the toilet and put another tampon in!! if you dont then you will bleed everywhere!! which is nasty as hell!! ok, and if you dont follow these instructions you are dumb and have a problem!! and another thing if you arent a virgin dont have sex on your period unless you want to get pregnant!!! hope I helped!!!

Answer #4

getting fixed means having your tubes tied right?lol never heard that term used

um like everyone else said, birth control, but if your still a teenager, then maybe your parents may not let u. which kinda sucks. and there is also side affects, (like gaining weight, I know because it happened to one of my friends) to taking birth control which doesn’t happen to everyone but its possible. Talk to your mom, and a doctor to see what would be the right solution for u.

Answer #5

u have to go on birth control or live with it.

hope I helped pooka

Answer #6

Hey common you wont be able to have kids later on if you stop it, you want to stop it just because when you dry off after showers it spreads all over your towel? I dont think you should stop it, take the instructions from ‘lilshawty’ but you’re not a dumba**, ignore this kinda things they’re true, and you know that don’t you?

Answer #7

You’re stuck…even if you get “fixed” unless they take your ovaries; you are going to have your period… God I wish getting fixed was the answer… I’m 31, 3 kids, and had to get “fixed” due to some complications. 5 years later I’m still having my period!

Answer #8

QUAYLE is a male, which would prob’ explain the lack of knowledge.

I agree with the trying contraception. the pill, you can also get a patch that does the same thing. using the injection can sometimes take them away too. good luck.

Answer #9

ummm you cant get rid of it srry but you gota live wit it hunny ,relly what are you a boy??? you should no dis stuff tak 2 your mom bout it !!!

Answer #10

your period won’t go away until you have menopause, which isn’t until you are 40 or 50… not 30. you can’t just get rid of your period. otherwise you will never have kids! to make it easier, try tampons!

Answer #11

ok people why are you so mean shes not dumb and birth control birth control even if you dont need it…cause it makes your period stop or very very very light and you only have it every light like 3 times a year

Answer #12

There are some birth controls that stop your period. Try them. Sorry people are so rude and have no idea what their talking about. You really can;t stop your period unless you get fixed, which I dont think your going to do. Talk to your parents about birth control. It doesnt only stop periods but it prevents pregnancy! Not all birth controls stop pregnancy though so ask which ones do. It also stops cramping.

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #13

can lying down cause my period to stop? its not that I want to get rid of it its just that im lying down a lot this days and dont know if that causes it to stop

Answer #14

can lying down cause my period to stop? its not that I want to get rid of it its just that im lying down a lot this days and dont know if that causes it to stop

Answer #15

you can get these specail tablets that slow your periods down. dont worry at all. you would probly worry if you didn`t ave em, and wish you did! … why life gose. x

Answer #16

u cant get rid of your period its humen nature for girls your be comeing a lady just dont have sex

love nieya

Answer #17

I am having mine Now! Does deep breathing help at all?

Answer #18

well the only way to get rid of your period is surgery…my friends mom had surgery to get rid of it because it was getting irregular

Answer #19

your period dont go way when you are 30!!! man quayle… you got a suprise awaiting for you… my big sister still has her period and shes going to be 40 so yah whatever… And your going to have your period until you go through menopause… good luck wit those towels

Answer #20

u cant get rid of it YEA EVERY girl IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD HATES IT AND HAS TO GO THROUGH IT. I hate it…I have it right now..its bugging me…my stomach hurts..grrr but your not alone it gets on everyones towels lol

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