How can I tell my Mom that I'm a lesbian?

how would i tell my mom that im lesbian? shes very against the whole bi lesbian gay thing and i rele just want to tell her without her making me feel like crap. any suggestions? plsss

Answer #1

hey look, if my kids announced they were gay, I would get used to it and I’d still love them loads- maybe more, to make up for the stick the world would often be shaking at them :-) I think I might be really sad at first, and it would take time for me to learn to get used to them being gay. if its any consolation- its usually easier to be accepted as a lesbian than a gay. How would you tell her- well I would do it gradually, say things like- ‘I’m not really into boys, Mom” - you could say that sort of thing when your Mom says things like ‘look at Tommy, he’s such a nice boy’. Then you could sart to say things like “I much prefer hanging with girls’ This will get her wondering, and give her time to contemplate the fact that you MIGHT be a lesbian. It wont be such a shock when you do tell her. If your mom is shocked- then thats all it is- ‘shock’. Its not really a personal attack on you- thats what you have to remember. So let her be shocked, and then she can begin to get used to the idea- and only then will you be able to talk with her about it. Be prepared for your Mom to freak out, work out the best way for you to react before hand. eg calmly walk away and leave her to ponder things on her own for a while. If you dont prepare for her being upset, then you will be really hurt. If she doesnt freak out, then great!

Answer #2

well im a lesiban. and telling judgemental parents is never easy, my mum isn’t like that so I dont have to worry..

but for you, wait until you get older. when you move out.. and then talk to them because they could take away things that make you happy when you live with them..and tell them..

youre pretty cute..<333

Answer #3

Your mum must be an awful person if she didn’t still love you. Just don’t be all hard core oh her. Kinda say it as a question to her like am I? until she finally is all like think about it… and it won’t hit her too hard once she knows u are. Call a 0800 help number they’re good ppl.

Answer #4

you shunt feel upset bbe, i used to fink gay ppl wer mingin, n i woz reallyy nastey about it, but i den realised thers no problem wid it once i met a friend who woz gay. u shud tell ya mom coz she will learn to understand, trust me. dnt be scared. x

Answer #5

just go up to her set her down and ask her if you can tell her something and she wont be made then if she said yes then tell her if she realy love you she wont care trust me that is what my sister did when she told my mom

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