How to tell my parents?

I want to tell my Mum or/and my Dad that I’m pansexual and I have a girl friend. It’s not that easy I’m really nervous on what they’ll say. My Mum is okay with gay people and so is my Father, I think. We have a lot of gay people in my family so they probably will take it okay. How should tell them? (Btw my parrents are divorced.)

Answer #1

Just do it right out. You are there kid and they should be able to love you anyway!!! Just sit them down and tell them straight out and get it over whit. You are Yung and feeling may chanche but just let them now how you feel right know:) Good luck!!

Answer #2

You should just talk to them in private, and come right out with it. And be proud of what you are. casunshinegirl1731’s idea is also a very good one.

Hope this helps :)

Answer #3

It is a hard thing to tell something like this. But, I’m glad that you are willing to accept it and to tell people about it. This is a big thing that they should know about so that you can date your girlfriend freely. I would sit them down together and start by saying that you hope they understand and will accept what you are about you say. Secondly, I would have her there with you (your girlfriend.) and to hold her hand and say “Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend. I have decided to tell you so that you can trust me and so that I can date this wonderful woman.” and from there you can discuss it. My best friend had the same problem and this worked for her and it make her feel less stressed to have her girlfriend there with her. I hope I helped and good luck!

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