How to teach my girlfriend to read?

how can I teach my girlfreind to read… she can read but just when she has to read stuff outloud she has trouble doing it because words look different and she says words that arent ever there.. cause shes retarded lol So how can I teach her to read?or make her a bit better with reading outloud?

Answer #1

yo im irenes girlfreind, 1. it was me that wrote the question, I called myself retarded. not using fooking flashcards im not 3years old. 3. I know how to read, just when a read out loud the words dont look right, and a say words that arent there. 4. I know how to pronounce words she doesnt need to sit down and repeat them.

Answer #2

It’s probably a learning disability…I wonder if she’d still be your girlfriend if she knew you just called her “retarded”. I wouldn’t be.

Answer #3

Is she dyslexic?

She might need therapy to work it out, or perhaps it’s just a lack of confidence that’s causing her to make mistakes.

She should try just reading out loud to herself and recording it - that way she can play it back later and see where she’s going wrong, but she doesn’t have to actually read in front of people.

Answer #4

sometimes people will read stuff that aren’t there because they might be or are reading too fast. it’s happened to me before.

maybe you should just sit down and teach her the basics like what the sounds are then how to say the words or just whatever works best for you and her. maybe start out with a sentence like what each word sounds like and maybe have her repeat that word over a few times til she gets it then when she gets the sentence then have her read it out loud. or heck maybe even use flashcards

Answer #5

she may be dyslexic I am and for some people it isn’t even a problem. maybe you could talk to her and ask if she wants you to help her to learn to read outloud better I can’t read outloud very while but I don’t care what people think. you also shouldn’t call people retarded its mean especily your girlfriend.

Answer #6

my boyfriend has the same problem he is dyslexic maybe she is too

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