How to speak..?

Okay , I’m a japanese , vietnamese , and laos person . Does anyone here know how to speak any of these ? Oh , and I’m southern vietnamese by thee way .

Answer #1

Interesting combination! :D I myself am an American, and am learning German, and I plan on learning Japanese and Russian as well. I’ve been studying Japanese for almost four years now, and yet I fail to speak many phrase. x[ Anyway, what I do (I’m studying German currently) is use and translate whatever I want to say. I pay attention to it, so I usually remember it and get a better view of it…My memory is very useful for this. :) Try that.

Answer #2

well I’m learning japanese, and I started getting books and stuff to help me. I also go to different sites like and

if you go to you can pick a language from a big list, like japanese for example, and you download it. it’ll actually be organized into lists like one list will be colors, and another will be greetings.

nothing major, but it’s a good start.

also here’s a few things in japanese that I know:

ohayo gozaimasu- good morning konnichiwa- hello/good day o genki desu ka?- how are you gomen nasai- I’m sorry arigatou- thank you aishiteru- I love you anata wa?- and you? chotto matte kudasai- please be quiet kudasai- please honto-really

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