How to reduce bloating?

I have my period and I feel soo fat lol. I’m so bloated and my stomach hurts. what can I do to reduce that? I took a warm shower & a nap but I still feel like that

Answer #1

actually eating bananas can help reduce some of the bloating, and putting a heating pad on your stomach will make it feel better. : )

Answer #2

I have the same problems and I have found that exercise and a change in diet help to reduce PMS symptoms like bloating and cramping. Calcium and complex carbohydrates like wheat, bran, and potatoes help. Caffeine does not.

In addition, hot water bottles and Tylenol are also great.

Answer #3

take some pamprin and if you have something you can heat up in the microwave then do it and put it on your stomach.

Answer #4

sorry, there is no way to get rid of it, sometimes just not eating for a little bit makes you feel a lot better, also.. try to avoid raw foods while you are bloated, it will just make your stomach even more upset. – hope it helped! [=

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