How to get rid of your period quicker?

How to get rid of your period quicker?

Answer #1

thank you for asking this question I am going on vacation tommorrow and I got my period monday but since I just started my period last december its irregular so I don’t how long it will last but it normally last 3-6 days tops but I love to swim so I want it gone my tommorrow

Answer #2

I heard and I’ve tried that if you eat a whole lime the whole inside of it it helps your period be shorter insted of a week it might be 3 to 4 days its worked on me and my sister

Answer #3

I’ve heard the lime too. Havent tried it but I am going to today!

Answer #4

I hate having this period stuff..very uncomfortable.expecially at school :(

Answer #5

I had mine for 8 days the first time .. And then they keeep going away then coming baack ..I dont want it enymore ..It’s VERy VERY uncofortable ..:( Plllzz HELP !!!

Answer #6

I got my period when I was 12. You’ll be fine. I had my period for 8 days the 1st time I got it but after that it wont last as long. It’s just the 1st time. Just tell your mom :)

Answer #7

sorry theres no exact way without the pill but I suggest excersising… a lot. It increases blood flow but it will not get rid of it in a day. also hot water bottle will increase blood flow. lots of water, go to the toilet more and have a bath or shower. Rememberyou can always wear a tampon. It may be scary but just practice with your finger or something. I feel reallyy forry for you I need it gone for cheerleading and camp :( anyways good luck :)

Answer #8

drinking lots of water && staying away from dairy helps a lot . eating cinomin && leafy foods like salads . these help clean it out faster acting as blood thinner you might bleed a bit more , thats just cause your getting rid of you egg faster .

yeah birth control is the only way to actually totally get rid of itt && if you dont think your parents will let you go on it . you can find a local clinic && they will keep everything cofedetion .

hoped this hellp (:

Answer #9

noo way I dont think ecpect birth control pills

Answer #10

Ok I came on my period yesterday but I want it gone tomorro because my boyfriend is coming round an he knows my turn on spots an when im turned on I wont stop but when I am on my period I get turned on by the slightest touch imm scared and I really want to come of my period by tomorro please help me ?? x

Answer #11

im 11 and I have period and im really sacerd and I dont know what to do and I have hd it fr 3 days and nobody knowes that I hv period and I want to gt rd of it and every day I cry because I hv it and non of my friends hv it pleas help me and tell me how to gt rd of my period

Answer #12

well you can t a needle from your doctor hih gets rid of it 4 life

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