How to convince my parents to let me get snake bites

Ok, so I’m 16 and in the 11th grade. I’m an only child and a little bit spoiled, but the thing is my parents are strict..very strict. I’m just starting to get some freedom, like going to the mall with friends by myself(something everyone else has probably done a million times)

So I’m not a bad kid or anything and I’ve wanted a piercing for a while, but of course they’re quick to say no. They don’t listen, they just say “thats stupid” or “you’ll never get a job with such a thing on your face” well I can see where they’re right but..your only a kid once eh? Especially at this age, I just want to live life to the fullest.

I’m sure by the time I’m old enough to get a serious job I’ll probably make the decision to take out the piercing and let it heal and become an ‘adult’ but for now..I just want to mark my individuality since I’m already different than everyone else in my family. (I like rock..they listen to rap, r&b, stuff like that).

So well.., any suggestions? (sorry this is long but thanks for taking the time to read :])

Answer #1

I would tell you that if you’re going to go through the effort of convincing them, at least get an original piercing. Snakebites seem to be the biggest thing right now. You’ll look like everyone else. Boring.

Answer #2

I’m 14 and I have had my snake bites for about 1 year at first they didnt approve but I did some research about them and showed them some pics of them once they realized it wasnt that big of a deal (after a bit of sitting them down and having a decent conversation with them) they let me.

Answer #3

wow! this sounds just like my situation except im 14 and I have two sisters. I really want snake bites too!. My parents are super strict like yours and my sister got a piercing and they nearly killed her (they even took her to get an HIV test!) .Ever since then I dont ask for anything like that! .I know how you feel about it but I think based on how parents are strict you cant get a piercing they (especially my parents) are never going to approve maybe you can buy fake ones on and on your 18th b-day get real ones and when you come out of college take them out.

This is my honest opinion because I dont want to tell you to just do it and hide it because they WILL eventually find out and kill you.

Hope I helped! but sorry this is long :(

Answer #4

I think if you first by some fake snakebites, wear them home, or around the house, & tell your parents thats what they would like, no big deal – & remind them that you can always take them out & let it heal, no harm done (:. hope that helped :D

Answer #5

Yeah I’m aware of all the downsides to it, ha.

But still, I’m interested in getting snake bites.

Answer #6

Thank you =] that did actually help.

Answer #8

I don’t advise this but what I did when I was 18 I wanted my nose pierced badly. So I went and did it behind their backs.

Don’t do this it can cause a lot of problems and besides to get a piercing like that a parent/guardian has to sign the release papers. I also dyed my hair Navy Blue and came home that Easter with lime green hair behind their backs. I don’t suggest doing that.

Show them some responsibility and explain to them why you want them. Hopefully it’ll pay off. If you’ve already done that I don’t know what to tell you honestly…

Answer #9

I was in the same situation. My mom is a very free spirited person and was iffy about it but eventually agreed. What I did was made a deal with my dad, that if I get good grades and stay out of trouble to consider. I told them it was a way for them to let me grow up a lilttle bit more and make decisions on my own.I also told them that it was me trying to express myself and be unique. Long story short..I still don’t have snakebites lol.. so good luck! I hope your rents go for it :D

Answer #10

.> I’m scene! roflcakes, anywho, I want snakebites but my father (whom I dislike very VERY much) always says no, and my muther isn’t much help ether. But in her moments she says yes [eh…weird] soo… I’m probably just going to get them without their concern, but they can’t say I didn’t warn them >.> the worst thing they can do to me is kill me and ship my body to guam. …So good luck with that!:D

Answer #11

well I would suggust telling them about retainers,,, look it up. their lip studs but their clear and most of the time not noitceable. im going through the same thing that you are and have wanted one for at least 2 years. my mom says yes and is very supportive of it but my dad always says no. im the only one in my family that is scene and my dad hates bringing me to church and I belive thats whats holding him back from saying yes. like I said check out the retainers and see if that convinces them :) good luck! :)

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