How to be less clingy and emotional?

I love her a lot but I feel like the way I show this is driveing her away. And its hard for me to stop

Answer #1

Good question…I didn’t think females could get tired of that from their boyfriends. ‘the hellwithyou’ makes sense though. you should ask her if she thinks you’re doing to much.

Answer #2

I had a boyfriend who waas extremely clingy and well it led us to breaking up. Try to slow down, let her have some space, give her time to be with her friends and just do girl things. when she is with a group of girl friends, dont barge in. let her come to you, of course dont keep yourself completely distant from her, but just let her know that you love her, but you also understand that she wants some space. Show her you love her doing little things, giving her a kiss before going giving a hug, never whine about her going somewhere or about her seeing other firends. Perhaps try going out with some of your guy friends, that will allow you both time to spend with your firends and some space. Also try talking to her. ask her if what you do makes her unconfortable or its too much, do this not sounding clingy of course :} Make sure you listen to what she says and vice versa, when I tried to talk to my boyfriend about htis he completley ignored it and continued on being extremely clingy.

Answer #3

I’ve had a boyfriend that was too clingy too. You should try giving her space. Still show her you love her, but dont text or call her so much. Its not a healthy realationship for you two to be around eachother 24/7 &+ talking to eachother 24/7 itll lead up to arguements &+ maybe even a breakup. Just give her space.

Answer #4

oh man your screwed my girl was too clingy I went out with her for 2 months and it seemed like she was ready for marriage man take it sloww it didnt work out for me and that girl she just drove me away like you said… I couldnt take it good luck

Answer #5

Personally I have been where you are (but on her end of it) my boyfriend was very attentive and I thought it was too easy to do whatever I wanted without any consequences because my boyfriend was sooo clingy (it’s a sign of weakness and a lot of girls take advantage of guys that don’t put their foot down). Then I got into a relationship with someone who was less affectionate and a little older, and that sucked I all of a sudden wanted the clinginess back you know…So be careful what you do, let her know you love her in little ways, but try not to be overpowering and like thehellwithyou said spend time with your friends when she does the same and try to not text/call her until she does you because then you won’t come off as clingy for calling her while she is out!

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