How long should I wait till I plug in my new lg refrigerator?

How long should I wait till I plug in my new lg refrigerator?

Answer #1

Ah, thing is (yes we read the manual) it was the book that said you had to wait, which made no sense to me…:) We hadn’t bought a fridge before.

Thanks all.

Answer #2

O_o we plugged our new fridge in as soon as we got it (2008, brand new) didnt give us any trouble, and they shouldnt really, this sort of bug has to have been dealt with in the past…

and anyway you can always return it… its not your fault if the thing doesnt turn on after it just got to your house…

Answer #3

If it was kept upright during the move, you should be able to plug it in immediately, but to be safe, I’d give it the 24 hour settling period.

Newer fridges are supposed to be more able to be moved around without problems, but I always take the precaution…better safe than sorry.

Answer #4

… how long are you willing to go without food??

Answer #5

Yep, then wait 4-5 hours for it to get temperatures set then put your goods in it. Read the Manuel Jeremy. >_>

Answer #6

you should plug it it as soon as you get it

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