How law are an instrument for social change?

How can we use law in our country to bring about changes in our society..??

Answer #1

Think EPA… Without a rightfully defended planet, we are gonna have to find a new one, and that’s not looking very promising. We should probably take better care of the one we have now, until we (as a collective entity) can easily colonize a new planet.

Answer #2

How to do it? You pass shortsighted laws tyrannical laws that enforce the change you want, and then fill the prisons with those who violate those laws, eventually declaring “a war on {x}”. That’s what the US does.

Answer #3

They shouldn’t, but even in the US, there are so many laws on both ends of the spectrum that either lean in favor of a specific group, or play hell for a specific group.

Don’t think laws should be used to influence society. Just protect people’s right to create and maintain one. Beyond that, I really don’t think the government should be doing much. Well, except maybe for laws against animal cruelty, but planet is a bit much.

Answer #4

We can’t, or shouldn’t at least. You should research China, they influence their population and social structure with laws. I think laws should only be used to uphold the balance of justice. Only the rights of Human, Animal, and Planet should be defended by law. Any laws beyond that can only be motivated by self interest or capitalization and are therefore prone to corruption.

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