How do you get rid of scars left by cutting?

How do you get rid of scars left by cutting?

Answer #1

Depends on how old the scars. If they are recent it wont happen very quickly If they are old then they shoule come off by neosporen or a special scar releaving medicine Good luck xD

Answer #2

Neosporin works best for scars. But if your trying to hide recent scars,you may have a problem, and you may need to contact a parent or trusted adult to get help.

Answer #3

Physical or mental scars?

Answer #4


Answer #5

Theres stuff called ‘Prefer-On’

Answer #6

You dont. You accept that you have a problem,and you deal with it. Ive cut my arms and lets so much i was told if i dont stop i might have to get my arm amputated. Ive have over 300 stiches in my leg alone.and tons in my wrists. I did it because i wanted to feel the pain. See, im a schitzophrinic. I dont feel pain usually, unless i want to. so when i put that straight razor to my wrist and didnt feel anything, i thought it was fun, cause of the blood. I liked blood, i thought i was cool. and i liked the feeling of having a numb arm or leg while getting stiches. I dont cut anymore. Sucide, and or self-harm is a very, very selfish thing. I realized that when my mom got admitted to the psych hospital after my thrid time. I made a promise to her i wouldnt do it anymore, and i havent. I sliped up once when i was drunk, but i dont even remember it, or remember making the consious decision to do it. i wasnt suicdal at the time, so idk why i did it. Also when i cut, i fckin cut. it wasnt any pitty cut, where i wanted attention. They were deep. and there was blood. and it took a long time to get them all stiched cut is almost two inches wide,and four inches long. most are half that size. My advice for you, is to stop. and if you dont want people to see them, and your so ashamed, then stop. if your feeling sorry foryourself then you need real help. talking honestly does help. I swear to god ( theres no god) that it will make you feel better. or fckin writing down some sh!t in your diary. I know that in the moment of cutting, your not thinking about the choices your making, or the concenquences that will come from it, but if you really love your family or friends, your gunna think of it. Because if they have to say goodbye to theyre child, and lay her six feet down, that will be on your soul.

Im not being mean. im actually serious.stop

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