How Do I Tell Them I want Out?

I’ve been up and down about moving out for months now.

I’m 23 years old, and trying to make my way through college, but with financial situations the way they are right now, college has been put on a temporary hold.

I’ve never been employed before now, nor have I ever been away from home for than a week. But I want to move out, for a short while, with some friends. Once I get a job, and save up my money, I’ll be ready (aside from packing and the finer details).

But my biggest speed bump right now is breaking it to the folks.

They’re both in their 60s and pretty old fashioned… and on top of that, they adopted me as an only child.

I want to leave on good terms, and I want them to know I don’t want to leave them forever. But I’m having such a hard time figuring out how… and when… to talk to them. They tend not to take family talks well.

Thanks in advance for advice.

Answer #1

Thanks much guys. I haven’t had the talk yet but I’m going to tonight or tomorrow. I did get a job, and I’ve already made just under 200 dollars. After taxes, and gas bills, I’ll be making roughly 300 a month… kinda crappy for now, but hopefully I can get more hours or something…

Anyway I wanted to thank all of you who replied and gave advice. I really appreciate it. It’s been so hard getting up the courage to talk to them. I’m really the most afraid of losing them.

Answer #2

Just sit them down on the couch over tea(if you drink tea) and tell them that you are moving out.Explain to them that you need to be out on your on an experiencing life as an adult.And tell them that you are still going to see them and you still love them.

Answer #3

At 23, they probably expect you to move out soon anyway. Just tell them you’re ready to start trying to flap your wings on your own, and you need to move out for your own growth.

Answer #4

hey dude its ok…

your parents obviously love you so much… talk to your mom and dad… sit down with them one night and just talk… make sure they know you love them too… and remember they were your age once too… they will understand… be calm and clear with how you feel… and listen to what they say!

message me on how it goes… I want to know how your doing! =]

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