How do I tell my mom?

Okay, so I think I have a urinary track infection (UTI) and its been hurting really bad. But the main cuase of it is sexual intercoarse. So I really need to go to the docters, because it might get worse. But I cant tell my mom, because I already told I was having pain when I pee, and she suspected I was sexualy active. if I tell her I still have pain, she might find out that I am. and she cant know that. what do I do? pleaseee help

Answer #1

Sex is not the only thing that causes a UTI…

It’s a very common problem, and even virgins are prone to it.

Answer #2

Well kid the thing is mom’s and dad’s are not that naive, if your mom already suspects this then you kinda have to bite the bullet here. You need medical attention for this infection. There are no if’s and’s or but’s about it. Go see your Dr. and give your mom a little credit. Hopefully she will take you to your Dr. or OBGYN and that will be the end of, if not, then be prepared for a frank and honest discussion about your activity with dear old mom (remember she was once your age too) the thing that teens seem to overlook is this if you are going to engage in adult activities then you need to be prepared to take the consequences like an adult too. My primary concern is that you get to the Dr and get this infection cleared up right away before it gets any worse. Good luck to you.

Answer #3

Ichi is right. And the doctor won’t be allowed to tell her anything you say without your permission. UTI’s are common problems amongst women.

Answer #4

well it deffinetly depends on how old you are but ease it on try to have a convo with her about things she went through when she was young things like,how old were you when you became sexually active? if you show desprateness and sorrow she.ll be less angry and more ready to help, and if your mom loves you shell understand

Answer #5

tell your mom, the resulting disagreement won’t be half as bad as not telling her. UTI’s can lead to internal infections, the loss of ever having children, can spread to other organs cause death and will not get better on it’s own

Answer #6

Thanks Everyone :) it helped a lot. I talked to my mom, and she didnt suspect anything, and im going to the doctors monday :)

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