How do I make my mother leave me alone?

How do I make my annoying mother leave me alone?

I have nothing to hide from her, yet she is continuously on my case. The option of moving out has been terminated due to the fact that I’m not old enough to live out on my own. The woman is bloody annoying and gets under my skin everyday, if not every five hours. She expects me to be exactly like her, from the way she dresses to her favourite cereal. She’s a Jehovah Witness, which, in all honesty, I detest. I’d tell her I have no interest in the religion, but I find myself incapable of doing so. Instead, I leave hints like the type of music I listen to openly, my group of friends that she won’t even let me go shopping with, my taste in clothes, and by passing little comments that hint towards my being a homosexual.

She constantly complains about my upkeep, the way I cut my hair, my jobs around the house not being done “in the proper and perfected way”, and all the way to little things like the scent of my body lotion. It’s plainly obvious that I don’t want anything to do with her, let alone be in the same room without. Recently, she took the lock off of my door and is currently threatening to take the door down all together just because I dislike leaving it open. Honestly, if you lived in my home while my grandmother was visiting from Jamaica, you’d keep your door closed too. They’re both THAT annoying.

I have already tried finding a different home to live in, whether it be with close friends or my eldest sublings, but it will conflict with my education. The woman is WAY to hard on me and constantly compares to me to other people’s children, openly mocks me, lashes insults at me, and repeatively calls me a hypochondriac, which is completely incorrect. I’m only thirty-two days shy of my fiftteenth birthday, which I can’t even enjoy or celebrate due to the fact that she’s a Jehovah Witness. Though I am young, I’ve seen over twenty different doctors. I’ve been diagnoised recently with; scoliosis, fibromyalgia, the Arnold Chiari Malformation Type Two, chronic depression, sleeping insomnia, abnormal fatigue, Lyme disease, mononuecleosis (Which I got from abnormal levels of stress, not kissing random people), and a strange swelling on my rib cage (All of which have been hidden for thirteen years of incredibly high pain toleration). Does that sound like a hypochondriac to you?

On top of her constantly putting me down and annoying the bloody crap out of me, I am the youngest in my family. Stop right there. I am not spoiled, so don’t bothering typing it. I was the accident child. My second brother is the one that’s spoiled, actually. So, because my brother is the only sibling left in my home, I naturally get beaten up on a daily basis in an emotional sense. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? That would be the particular reason of my being locked up in my room. To get away from those people. Yes, to those of you who are wondering if I have discussed this particular accept with my mother AND my father. I have, on several occasions. My father, sadly, is incapable of controling any disturbances during the day because he sleeps inorder to work at night.

So I ask again, now that you know all of this. How do I make my mother leave me alone?

Answer #1

your mother may be going through a hard time she might just have been diagnosed with her menopause try and have a serious talk with her and ask her if she is alright pamper her for a couple of days and relax her and tell her you love her and just want to stay with her because you love her and you are homesick when you go away and she will be fooled easily

Answer #2

you can’t. shes a mom. she’s supposed to know all of your buisness.

Answer #3

you cant…..she is your mum.but my mum keeps on repeating a stuff and scolds me for everything i do…… i tell her to cool down and just go to the park(but thats an exuse to roam in my neighbourhood with my friends)

Answer #4

You can’t make her leave unfortunately, although just because she is your mum biologically doesn’t necessarily mean you have to view her as your mum especially considering how she treats you, it’s disgusting.

However, I will say that I was once in the exact same position as you when I was younger. One of my parents is a Jehovah’s Witness and their logic and reasoning is so screwy it makes me laugh and it annoys me at the same time. The problem is that they are programmed to think in a certain way, and if you don’t think in the same way as they do, they see you as an obstacle for which they feel they need to evade. The way they evade is not only disgustingly selfish and spiteful, it is also completely inhumane.

Whenever I had an ailment I was always told by my Jehovah’s Witness parent to ‘deal with it’ because ‘everybody suffers’. It was plain selfish and emotionally painful to be told that by your own parent. Fortunately, I am away from that parent because I have my own life now and I have my own responsibilities away from them. I also limit contact with them, although I still get the occasional nuisance messages from them from time to time.

If your mum is any way the same way as my Jehovah’s Witness parent, I’m afraid to say it’s just one of those things where you have to take a stand and stick up for yourself where possible, I had to do this for many years until I got my own way. Hopefully you’ll be able to get away soon.

You mention your father, is he of any religious standing? Does he agree with your mother and accept how she is? A lot of marriages where one of the parents becomes affiliated with a religious group or cult tend to break down simply because of the moral differences that occur between the two. Do your parents argue a lot? Have you tried talking to your father about it?

Stay strong and do the best you can to steer clear of your mum for the time being, it’s hard I know, I still struggle emotionally as the damage that can occur when parents do that can be catastrophic and you end up having to develop psychological coping strategies to handle the pain. Stay strong and I really hope things get better for you.

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