How can I change back to good?

all my m8s at skol have been sayin I have changed for the bad just because I have had sex and started smokin and because I stick up for myself they have been sayin it for bout a year now and sayin I am a want to b s*ut I havent notised a difference bur every1 else has I just want to go back to the person that people like how do I do that? please help

Answer #1

A true friend will tell you when you’re being self-destructive - because they care.

Answer #2

Neither of those things makes you a bad person, so don’t let other people’s opinions decide that for you. You are still a good person so have faith in yourself.

Smoking is so destructive it’s a really good idea to stop.

  • It costs a lot of money over time.
  • It wrecks your skin.
  • It causes major diseases, several deadly. (If you know of someone who’s old and smokes, they’re just lucky. The dead ones you don’t see.)
  • It’s addictive. The sooner you stop, the less difficult it will be.

Sex? Depends why you do it.

  • If it was to see what it’s like, well, now you know.
  • if it was to feel loved, that’s foolish. You can get the same effect by giving people money.
  • If it’s with someone you really care about and want to be close to and they feel the same about you, then carry on, but
  • take care against diseases, especially HIV - use condoms
  • don’t have a baby / get someone pregnant till you’re both good and ready and can afford the years out of your life and the money it takes to bring up a baby.
Answer #3

No no no maybe you need to change your ways. Your friends are only telling you you’ve changed because they care about you and I think you should change your ways as well.

Answer #4

just change your attitude and always have somethin nice to say and stop smoking and its not a good idea to be having sex when your still in scool cause if you get pregnant people will bug you and laugh at you I’ve saw it happen and it is very sad just be nice and have a smile and evry1 will see the change!

Answer #5

Yeah, seriously. Any valid reason you started having sex and smoking? Not sure what you mean by “stick up for myself,” but I hope you’re not mistaking rudeness for courage.

Answer #6

when i said sticking up for my self i ment like not lettin ppl walkover me if i really need to i will fight but that is only if i hav to. and the smoking thing yer it has changed me a bit but afew of my m8s smoke to and my other m8s r fine wif it they say it is coz they cear but i dont no

Answer #7

Maybe you have changed but if your friends don’t like it, tell them to live with it. They are going to change too sooner or later. But if you want your friends back, then, stop doing the things that made you different from the start. I don’t think you should change back, if they were your friends they would understand and deal with your change.

Answer #8

be who you want to be, not what they want you to be. if they cant handle the fact that youve made some changes in your life and as a person changed then just find new friends because its not your problem…people change and thats that

Answer #9

This isn’t really an issue of what your friends think, but what you think of yourself. It seems to me that you would not have asked this question if you were sure of yourself and the “new you”. The best thing that you can do for yourself is this: quit smoking, it’s horrible for your body and your breath will smell really bad, and stop having sex. I know that that may sound drastic, but you will never regret waiting. Also, if you haven’t already, get tested for STDs and pregnancy. Take care of yourself!

Answer #10

i am in the same position as you . all my friends have turner there backs on excetp for this one girl that i wasnt even that close to . dont change back ., i tried and it just made them angryer . live life the way you want to and enjoy it while it lasts .

Answer #11

i dont think you understand the definition of sticking up for yourself. who walks all over you? this doesnt seem to have anything in common with your question.

if your friends are concerned about you im pretty sure you should just listen to what they have to say. even if you don’t agree with them- it shows them that you still want to hear what they have to say. i think you’re mistaking them trying to talk to you with standing up for yourself. you need to realize they’re not making fun of you or being mean. you’ve changed obviously and its effected them in some weird way that they’re uncomfortable with.

maybe the things your doing makes other people think less of your friends. how old are you that no one else around you is having sex or smoking?

also… if you want to change back you need to sit down listen to what your damn friends have to say.


because they care about you.

Answer #12

yea a true friend will tell you tht ur changing. but the same thing happened to me when i started having sex. but i knew tht i was changing. and when u say stiking up for urself wht do u mean? i mean how do u justify tht smoking hasnt changed you? cuz it usually does. bt i will say tht a true friend should not be calling you a slut. if your having sex thts ur choice however if there telling u wht other people say then thts different. u need to talk to ur friends and c whts goin on bt clear things out sex and smoking isnt worth loosing freinds over. im not telling u to stop. but they definitly dnt add up to equal the sane

Answer #13

people change its called life deal with it tell your “friends” to get over it

Answer #14

a true friend will understand your personal evolution

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