How could I get period crampin, my period ended a week ago?

Has ANYONE experienced a period like cramping when not pregnant & not expecting a period? If so, what was the cause? I was thinking constipation but I’m not. Maybe hungry? But I ate and it made it worse. I sit for roughly 14 hours / day working… could that be why? or.. maybe I’m getting sick? Hm.. this has been going on for a few days tho.

Any advise would be great!! Thank you so much!

  • I got my period on Nov. 16 - it was lighter than usual & only lasted for 2-3 days.
  • I’ve been experiencing stomach cramping for a few days now.
  • It feels like my period is coming but nothing happens.
  • I also feel quite nauseous but not to the point where I puke. … I would go to the doc but I work nights and wont have a day off for 14 days =/
Answer #1

I have the same thing!! all I do is put a hot rag where its cramping and that usually settles it down mabe not all thee way but it is a relief. if it still occurs contact a doc. hope this helped =))

Answer #2

I get rele bad cramps, usually two weeks out of the month.. the week before and while im on my period I dont have cramps but about a week after I have the worst cramps… I was told that it can happen because you are ovulating… try taking a midol, they rele help a lot

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