how come I cant get pregnant

how come I cant get pregnant me and my boyfriend been trying for about 4 months and still not pregnant but I’ve been having symptoms of pregnancy why is this?

Answer #1

Well you need to find out the days your ovulating. And like anglefire said this baby is not ganna be like a magic thing to bring you and your boy friend closer together. And I’ve read some of your other questions and sounds like you need to stop trying till you have a real man that will treat you with respect . Swetty your just young im 22 and I have two children and its really hard for me to give my babys what they want, I droped out of school at 17 but after my son was born I went back and you know what it helped me a lot because if I wouldent have I would be a lot worse then I am. So please if you end up having this baby make sure you at least have your grade 12 and have your own place. Do you know how slefish your being if you still live at home and have a baby , I felt like crap because I had my baby when I still lived at home and it put my parents threw a lot. Be smart and do the right thing and if you have any more questions feel free to fun mail me . Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #2

when your trying to have a baby and you think you may be pregnant when your really not, its called a fantom pregnancy. your body changes to make you feel like your pregnant because you want to be so much. so if you still continue to have sex but dont think about getting pregnant because if you keep thinking about it it will drive you mad, trust me! and eventually it will happen :D

good luck xxx

Answer #3

well the only way you can gett pregnant is if he ejects in you so maybe he comes out to early and you may be pregnant its very very easy for healthy people to get pregnant so you may be pregnant

Answer #4

You need to get your relationship in order BEFORE you even think about bringing a baby into the world. A baby is NOT going to magically make your relationship problems go away!

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